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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2004-10-02 - 7:44 p.m.

Muses 1, me 0

I give up.. I surrender to the muses. They have effectively chewed me up and spit me out this weekend; today in particular. Everything I set out to do, summarily turned to utter crap in my hands.

I woke up at 6AM after seeing my love off to University and started to work on the dress I had started with GenieAlisa. The dress was on the dining room table.. and well... it's gone. If I believed in haints or poltergeists, I'd blame them, but I really think it's the muses.

So, I deided to think better of it.... okay.. that just means my list is now 4 things to get done this weekend not five. I can deal with that.

I decide to have breakfast, and I did eat that with no problems. I wanted cartoons and fell asleep. I woke up around 10:00 and worked on my notes for my class at Crusades. I got that done with no problem... so one thing down... three more to go....

With that under my belt, I decided to get started with the two scrolls I need to have for next weekend. It started first with a DVD I bought for the occasion. I put it in the playstation, and it wouldn't work. I tried everything. I went online and found the instructions, I even called my love at University and left a message. Nothing. So I decided to do a pay per view, and that woulnd't work either... the cordless phone dies in the middle of making the arrangements... AAAARGH!

So... I decided to work on the scroll anyway.. I turn on PBS and get busy.... it's now around 11:00. Well, it's now 7:47 PM, and I'm really no closer to being finished than I started. I've started four times and I've been foiled at every turn. It doesn't look like they're going to get done and as sorry as I am about it, I just can't get the mojo to work. I've tried four different ways to get the paint on the scroll where I want it, and it's just not listening. It's not just bad... it's horrible. Just when I get one part right, the other part runs. I tried to use drafting tape, it's never failed me bfore.. but I didn't have any, so I used "low tack" tape, and evidently, low tack just doesn't do it... it not only let the paint run under the tape, but when I pulled it up, it tore the paper. So I gave up on that, and made a stencil... the stencil worked.. sort of.. until.. you guessed it... the paint made a great escape. So then I decided to do it by hand and use a ruler for straight edges to get a clean, crisp line; I was on the last one, and the paint just wouldn't stay where I put it... AARRRGH! At that point, I understand why artists go mad and slash their own works.. If I'd had a knife I'd have done the same.

So, in short.. I give up.. at least for today.

I'm afraid to play with glass, I'm likely to burn my house down...

and while I'm whining.. let me add that my right shoulder still hurts like hell.

And I miss my husband.. yep.. he's only been gone like 14 hours, but I won't see him until around 7PM tomorrow... so I'm just gonna miss him more and more until he gets home....

In short..I give.

So... now that you all know what MY day is like... how's yours?

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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