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2004-09-19 - 7:59 a.m.

And update of sorts...

Chalice of the Sun God was pretty neat! It's a complete and totally different experience when you feel like you have a purpose, even if all that purpose is is shoving food at people you care about. That made my day. I felt useful, even if my knees, shoulder and hand weren't.

Yeah, about half of my body is under repairs. Don't ask, I don't know. I think I crewed up my shoulder at Pennsic when I took a pavilino in the upper right chest. The hand, I have no clue, and the knees well.. they're my knees.

I sort of wandered around a bit at the event, and then spent the afternoon shoving food at people. I was going to do lampworking, but there really wasn't a suitable place, soit stayed in the truck, and I just didn't feel "into" kumihimo, so that stayed in my basket (gotta love travel miraudais!).

Sometimes, it's nice to just sit and visit with friends; I was able to catch up with a few friends I hven't seen in a while and I made a new one in the process...

and Regan is just too cute for words! She is beautiful and sweet and smart! That little girl is going to take the world by storm... she already has close to a dozen adults thinking she's the best! (And of course, they're right!)

As for the Baronage "race" it continues, but it's nearing the end. We had a very nice chat with Their Majesties yesterday and according to them, the decision should be made around the end of this coming week. How's that for a speedy decision. At least we all won't be hanging on those nasty tenterhooks waiting.. it'll either be over soon, or will be starting up full speed ahead in a whirlwind. Either way, I know the barony will be in excellent hands.

Today is Tournament of the Red Cross demo and event. The fighting field was found to be "safe" so the tournament is a "go". We've got to get there fairly soon and help with set up of stuff, then we get a break while church is happening and we come back around 12:00 with a vengeance.

I've promised someone a 5 minute lesson on lucetting, and I'm brining lampworking (the reason for lampworking is it takes no prep.. just grab the box and off you go! With weaving, you need to measure the warp and then get it on the loom which actually takes up 2/3 of project time. The weaving part of things is pretty simple and goes pretty quickly, but the set up takes a while).

Okay.. my hand is hurting, time for me to go wake up the hubbster so we can get to site and help with set up.

Take care, see you all SOON!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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