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2004-08-21 - 7:40 a.m.

Pennsic XXXIII - My Story

Well, Pennsic is over, and I have to admit that this year, I'm sorry to see it end.

I had a FABULOUS time in Caer Mear Camp and I had the opportunity to get to know all sorts of new people. I was able to take a few classes (not as many as I would have liked), and I was as busy as I wanted to be. I went shopping and bought a fewthings that I'd been wanting for years, but I still couldn't bring myself to spend $180 for a circlet. I thought that was a bit much (it cost more than my wedding ring and my wedding ring means more to me).

My love bought me my first Pennsic gift. It was a sterling silver hair pin. I had mentioned to Sara that I wanted one (I actually specifically asked her to tell Gorm that I wanted one, and she did). Imagine my surprise when Gorm gave it to me and then about 20 minutes later Laz gave me a bronze one. I thought he was confused, since Gorm had asked him to purchase one for him (I thought that maybe he'd forgotten he'd given it to Gorm).. but no.. he told me that it was a gift from him and Sara... Awwwwww.. That was SO neat!

I made a few new friends, got to know several others better. In short, it was probably the most positive experience I've ever had at Pennsic. I took a class on period documents, one on kumihimo and one on Temari. The Kumihimo clas was interesting, and I bought a handheld marudai and I've been having fun with that. The Temari class was good, but I'd forgotten my reading glasses back in camp, so the one I did looks pretty horrible. But I understand the theory, so I can perfect it at home.

I also got the opportunity to play with glass... We finally got together, divvied up the glass, pulled out our hot head torches and made a few beads. That was cool! I plan to go to a local store here in Richmond and spend some more money on glass "stuff" so I can have a more complete kit than I have.

The weather was awesome for the most part. The last two days was pretty soggy, though. They cancelled fighting on Thursday because of the thunderstorms and rain rolling through. It was a mud-bog in the worst way. Many cars got stuck, but thankfully it wasn't as bad as "tractors pulling tractors".

I did some shopping too (thanks Dad!). We bought ourselves some wooden chairs (they're two part chairs that slide together for ease of transport), htye're guaranteed for six months from date of purchase, I also bought myself a new basket purse from the basket man... that one is guaranteed for life. Even if it gets burned for firewood, he'll replace it..I bought a few other little gee-gaws (a journeyman chirurgeon medallion, a pair of knotwork earrins, a silk veil, some veil pins (another set was given to me), a kit on shuttle tatting, three mugs from Please Touch Pottery. I eneded up inheriting about two pounds of light brown (sage-colored) yarn from a merchant who decided the yarn wasn't any good for weaving and was about to throw it away. And a helm... let's not forget the helm. Gorm and I went shopping with the checkbook clutched in our little paws and tried to find him a helm that looked good (norse-ish), felt good and wouldn't cost an arm and a leg. We found very little that fit either category. If we liked the helm, it was somewhere in the $700 range (which was WAY out of our budget). We came bak to camp a bit depressed and dejected.. and.. there it was....someone in our camp had bought himself a new helm and was busy taking working on the new helm while the old one sat on the ground beside him looking rather forlorn and and rejected. Gorm saw the "old" helm and his eyes lit up like a three year old. He asked the very nice man if he could try it on. The man picked it up and handed it to Gorm and Gorm turned to him with his back towards me andhe slid it down over his head with ease.. the chainmail coiffe fell around his shoulders and it just looked GOOD... When he turned around I let out a spontaneous... oh WOW! And the deal was struck... for just over $250 Gorm bought himself a stainless steel helm with a chainmail coiffe and an amazing look for himself.

The guy bought the helm off ebay, and it's been checked out to be safe by just abuot everyone in camp as well as the marshalls on the field. He immediately made himself a chin-strap and the very next morning he took it to the field for inspection.

He came back several hours later, looking sweat-soaked and happy. He was happy to report that the helm did it's job, it fit well (the previous person's padding job was excellend and not worn, so he kept it), the marshall's loved it, and best of all, when he got hit in the head, there wasn't that godawful gong-ring sound. The helm is heavier than his other one (the viking one), but he doesn't feel nearly as "closed in" and it's an open grill, so he can breathe..but it looks really menacing!

I also spent some time in camp showing people how to lucet. That was fun. We had a little impromptu one on one class time under the trees, and I got the chance to show people something I enjoy!

The weather was beautiful up until the Thursday and Friday and then it well... rained.... Wednesday evening, it skies opened up during the night and poured buckets. We were snug and mostly dry in our pavilion thanks to Good ol' Sunforger! The only water problem we had was a litle river running through because the doors weren't staked correctly (when we staked down the pavilion the first time during set up, we left a small gap at the bottom and that was enough to cause the river), but thankfully the river of water was all soaked up by the laundry basket of dirty clothes, so it all evened out in the end.

I got to spend a little time with my Laurel this war.. which was good. I also bought to component pieces to make myself a green leather arm garger. I like my own brown belt so much, I decided I'd much rather have a green garter than a belt. My Laurel agreed and said it was my decision and she was perfectly happy with that. I want folks to know that I'm delighted to be her apprentice, but I don' really need the green "belt" to show that off (if that makes any sense at all). She and I spoke abit about some upcoming things and I got ask her advice about a few things that will help make a decision in the future a little easier.

Friday morning dawned soggily. At that point, everything was just mud. Good ol' Pennsic mud... and damp.... and wet.. and muddy.. and soggy.... and did I say muddy? We decided that there's nothing wrong with being cowards so we ditched the War and headed home a day early.

We had a leisurely ride home with a stopover for steaks in a little hole in the wall restaurant we've been wanting to try but never had the time. It was AWESOME! We made it home around 9:00 and we thankfully had the foresight to pack the stuff we'd need for tonight behind the seats. I had my "goodbye to water" set up from when we left FOR pennsic all set up and ready for my "well HOWDY we're home" homecoming (I swear I should be part fish).. even though our camp had the most amazing hot showers ever known to manking, it was nice to get home and scrub every inch of myself and just relax. We watched some of the Olympics coverage and then fell blissfully asleep (of course, I had to listen to our cats all night from the other side of the door telling us how horrible we were to elave them for so long... and how DESPERATELY they needed attention RIGHT NOW....and oh yes.... for next year.. we found a hotel in Breezewood (Quality Inn) that has Jacuzzi rooms!... YES! I have FINALLY hit the mother lode! Next year, it's me and the Jacuzzi tub! Nuff said on that one!

I learned a really good lesson at war... sometimes it's not what's on the outside that people see. You don't have to wear your "resume" around your neck (or your waist for that matter) for people to know who you are and what you're about.

I am happy and content with the me that I've become and I still see positive changes that are good.

Allin all, I had a GREAT Pennsic. I had great camp mates, I had wonderful food (I got to try lamb for the first time).. we had some "interesting" chili, there was very little drama in camp this year (that in itself was wonderful!). Everyone pitched in and did chores, the place was clean and sanitary, even though it was primarily a fighter camp.

I didn't get to do as much as I wanted to thanks to my bum knees (B02 is FAR from a lot of the things that I enjoy at Pennsic), so I had to be wherever I was going to sleep when the wagons stopped (8PM) which thankfully for me was the camp that I wanted to be in (my own).

I also got one of the best presents! (The hair pin was wonderful, but that wasn't it)...When I first joined the SCA, I heard Bryce sing. It's rich and beautiful and just beyond description. It's been a LONG time since then that I've heard him sing. I always wondered what it would be like to fall asleep hearing Bryce softly singing. I always imagined it would be something this close to heaven. I didn't care what the song was, but I wanted to hear him sing (I have three favorites... one is Bryce, Rory who just melts my socks, and the other is Susie... who sounds like an angel...)anyway.. we're sitting around the campfire and Bryce has been working on self-lubricating and then suddenly the songs start.. and I'm in heaven. With very little fanfare, I tiptoe off to sleep hoping like hell I'll get my wish. I think I had that stupid grin on my face all night long... I got to fall asleep listening to him sing. I finally had the evening I'd heard about.. drums in the distance, the sound of a crackling fire and the melodious sounds of Bryce's voice as I drifted off to sleep...

WOW... what a memory to take home with me. Thanks Bryce.. that was just awesome and it was everything I had imagined....

There is more to write about Pennsic, but I think by now, you get the gist. In short, I had a great time and we've already started our list of "what can we do for next year"

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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