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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2004-07-27 - 6:56 a.m.

Two Pleas :-)

This one's going to be pretty long.. so bear with me...

This was posted to the Merry Rose, as well as the Caer Mear and Rivers Point email groups, but it certainly bears repeating:

As many of you in Atlantia are aware, several of our family members in the National Guard have been activated and are serving our country overseas. My family happens to have one of those brave, intelligent and caring individuals in Afghanistan. He is 22 years old and is a Medic with a National Guard unit out of Winchester. He's been in Afghanistan for the past two weeks and has been moved twice. He started out a Bagram Air Base with all of the comforts of home and then some. He called home to his mother (my sister) to report that "it's not so bad here", and 48 hours later, he was sent somewhere else deeper inside Afghanistan and without all of those comforts.

That's why I'm writing to you all, friends and friends I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet. My nephew and his friends NEED our help. They don't have the facilities to buy what they need for daily hygiene and ntertainment. To give you a short overview: They're sleeping in tents in the desert (hot days, cold nights), they get one shower twice a week, they have to wash their clothes by hand, they don't have a px to buy the things we use every day and take for granted. That's where I hoping that the generosity of Atlantia will come through once again.

I would like to ask people to donate items to help my nephew and his buddies. He'll be in Afghanistan for the next two years, but I'm only asking for your help now. Below is a list of items that I'd like to remember on your next shopping trip.

Please bring an item or two (or whatever you can afford) with you to Last Chance and put it in the donation box that will be at Troll. I'll ship it out on Monday.

Hand sanitizer (water is at a premium, so they're going through hand

sanitizer, well, like water)







baby wipes

dry clothes detergent


comic books


paperback books

DVDs (do you have some DVDs you don't watch... this is your opportunity)

Music CDs

batteries (AA and AAA)


"sweets" (twinkies, little debbie snack cakes, poptarts, etc.)

If you have ANY questions, please don't hesitate to ask. While you may not agree with why they're there, remember that they are Americans and they need our help.

Thank you all in advance for the generosity that Atlantia is known for!

Lady Rhiannon of Berra

Autocrat of Last Chance

and last but certainly not least....

Last Chance IV Event Flyer

Canton of Rivers Point

Barony of Caer Mear

Richard Bland College Soccer Field

11301 Johnson Road, Petersburg, VA 23805

So..... ready to shake off the dust of winter? Do you have a new piece of armor you'd like to try out before Pennsic? Do you need to authorize in a new weapons form before that fateful battle? Would you like to come and practice melee tactics with your friends. Well, do we have an event for YOU!

It's called Last Chance. It is the absolute last chance to authorize in a weapons form before Pennsic. This is your chance. Don't delay! Bring your armor, bring a lunch, bring your friends, bring your favorite marshal, we're not picky!

Here's a little information about the site: There are no buildings other than the ones we bring with us (porta-castles will be provided). We are attempting to provide lots of shade, but be warned if it rains, you will probably get wet. Don�t worry, A&S will have a dedicated shelter! and no organized children's activities. Also, pets are NOT permitted on site under any circumstances.

In case you're wondering.. There WILL be heavy, combat archery, siege weapons and rapier fighting and authorizing at this event (all of course, providing we have the appropriate marshals on hand.. if you have any questions please contact the autocrat. We will also have someone on site for CPR and First Aid challenges. Also, the Baron of Caer Mear, Syr Balynar will be holding a small court at the conclusion of the day�s activities to announce his choices for champions. There will be no formal tourney, his Excellency would like the opportunity to see his people at their best and make his choice.

Special Note: If you�re a marshal, please consider coming to the event, we can use your help!

Event Schedule

Time Event

9:00 Site Opens

10:00 Authorizations Begin

11:00 Melee Practice Begins

5:00 Court of His Excellency, Baron Balynar

6:00 Site Closes

Fee Structure:

Members 16 and over: $5.00 per person for those over the age of 16.

If you�re old enough to fight, then it�s $5.

Non-members 16 and up: $8 per person

Members 15 and Under: Guests of the Canton

Autocrat Information: Lady Rhiannon of Berra (MKA Gina L. MacNeill), 7208 Vaughan Road, Petersburg, VA 23805, [email protected], (804) 861-8876, NLT 10pm, please.

Directions to site:

From the North: Take your best Route to I-95 South to Petersburg, Va. Take I-85 South to the Squirrel Level Road exit. Follow the SCA signs.

From the South of Petersburg: Take your best Route to the I-85 and I-95 Interchange. Take the Squirrel Level Road exit, follow the SCA signs.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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