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2004-06-08 - 10:43 p.m.

Dayshade.... Live!

The Great Baronial Dayshade Project has begun! Let there be MUCH rejoicing!

Thanks to Gorm, Sorcha (from the Hollar) Melania (also from the Hollar) and Catilin (another Possum); we have all of the pieces cut out and we managed that feat in about an hour and a half.

It's going to be 14' x 10' and the cost is somewhere around $100. Not bad for a dayshade, if I do say so myself.

We ended up having to redo some figuring at the last minute because we decided that we wanted a 3' rise, not a 2' rise (our center poles are nine feet, so that had to go into the figuring as well)...

but all is fine and the actual sewing will get started on the third SUnday down in the Hollar. (The Ettrick United Methodist Church Priory building to be precise (if you're interested in helping (not supervising... that and sewing are MY jobs), let me know and I'll send you directions!

More hands make light work and all that...

But it looks like it's going to happen, and maybe when it's done, I can get some sleep. If it were our dayshade, I wouldn't be so stressed about it, but the fact that it's not mine, just stresses me to no end. Perfection may not happen with this project, but I want it "good"; as in good enough for my Baron to be pleased to sit under and not get wet, or have his brains baked through in the Pennsic heat:-)

Besides... I'm selfish.. I want the personal pride that comes from standing under it and looking up and knowing that I had a hand in making this happen. Should I quit the SCA tomorrow, there would be something (hopefully) left behind that makes my mark.

I've always wanted that... to leave a mark, even if it's just a passing one.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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