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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2004-02-26 - 6:40 a.m.

Happy Birthday to Me.

I was sitting here the other day wondering why more people haven't updated their diaries lately when it hit me... I'm just as guilty if not worse... so here's an entry for folks who still wonder.

Thirty-eight years ago at 7:23 I made my entry into the world. By all accounts (there weren't many) it was pretty normal, nothing all that special. There weren't any life-saving heroics and I didn't come out spouting Shakespeare. In short, I was a normal baby who grew into a normal kid who "developed" into a reasonably normal adult (yes, I know, there are some who hav issues with the fact that I call myself normal... get over it).

Somehow along the way, I think I skipped years. I seem to have gone from 30 to "almost" 40 in the blink of an eye. I don't really remember 31 through about 35 (and no, it's not because I was drunk or high, I think I was just too busy) getting a life and all that.

Heh.. this morning at 2:30a.m. I accidentally touched my love, and he woke up with a Happy Birthday! and promptly fell back to sleep. When I asked him how he knew it was the 26th, he sleepily replied... "good guess" and giggles back to sleep. He has his cuter than cute moments, I'll give him that (I love you!)

It's only 6:45a.m. and so far the day is uneventful. We went shopping last night and tried to find a birthday gift (a keyboard for my Clie') and those things are more difficult to find then hen's teeth. We went to Circuit City, CompUsa, Office Max and we've run out of places to look... so it'll have to be ordered, and I'll have to wait for it. (*sigh, I hate waiting for presents, but we couldn't start the shopping process until we got our tax check, and that only came on Tuesday). I'm not really bummed today, even though it sounds like it. I'm just kinda here.

I'm not looking forward to work for no reason other than it's work, and it's on my Birthday. If I wasn't so worried about having the time off I need for Pennsic and the possibility of going to Boston for the 4th of July, I'd have taken today off. I usually do take the day off when my birthday falls on a workday... it's sort of my treat to myself. Oh well, hopefully next year.

I finally have my loom all warped for the project I'm supposed to have done by KASF. I'm not sure I got the heddles all threaded correctly, but I'll know how that is after the first inch or so. I really need to make a plan and stick to it, not make a plan and change my mind 36 times between the beginning and end of the prep stage. I started out planning a warp that's 31 inches wide. Then I had to take out a hank, so that made it like 29 inches wide, then I decided I wanted a warp-faced project, so that demanded a closer sett, so now it's at like 27 inches, and once the draw-in happens, I'll have something closer to 25 inches... that's a far cry from 31". This is my first time using more than 4 shafts for a project. Yeah, I know that adding two shafts isn't realy that much of a big deal... it's only two more shafts.. but believe it or not, it does add a small layer of complexity to things.

For those of you on the edge of your seats... yes, I'm using cotton warp again. I'm already having enough allergy issues as it is, I didn't want to add wool to the problem.

My finger is better. It's finally managed to close, and it's not all that painful (although it is very heat sensitive, still). It doesn't really start hurting unless I've been typing all day (like yesterday). It's healing from the outside in, which I think is a good thing, it no longer looks like the tip of the finger that belonged to Bride of Frankenstein. Should I have gone to the ER and got stitches, probably. Did I? No. It sounds stupid, but there just hasn't been time.

Well, it's 7:00a.m. and I haven't hopped in the shower yet, so I'd better get going.

I hope tos ee lots of ya'll at KASF. Stop by and see my project, but ONLY if it turns out nice... heh!

Yikes! That's his alarm clock! Gotta jet!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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