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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-12-27 - 6:07 p.m.

Christmas is...OVAH!

Well, we're back, and everything went rather well. We took honeypuppy with us because boarding two dogs is expensive, and she did really well in the house-broken area. Not one "accident" the whole time! Yeay Honey!

The Christmas present exchange was incredible as usual. I got just about everything on my christmas list (including a serger, a clie', two more rigid heddle looms, yarn, books, calligraphy supplies, a really cool easel/box, some serger thread and a thread box, a very nice light box, a wooden sewing box, three Alton Brown DVDs and his cookbook and more things than I can really remember right now.

The trip there took us about 5 hours. The trip home, took us another 2 hours. Sheesh.. can't they do anything about the mixing bowl? I mean.. honestly..... we just sat in traffic there for an hour. (It was better than the three hours we spent there last year, but still).

It was great spending time with my in-laws and my love. I missed the Christmas of my childhood, but it was still nice.

The worst part of the weekend was the fact that while I tend to eat three meals a day, they eat ONE... usually at around 3PM with cigarettes interspersed throughout their day. My mother in law munches on chocolate, so she's never hungry, and my father in law is rail thin.. so we had to resort to self-defense to not feel like we were starving. I can't sleep when I'm hungry.

I'm still getting over my cold, so I spent the weekend there hacking up a lung, sneezing and nose-blowing all over the place. I mean really, the least my cold could have done was to give me Christmas off!

I'm doing better now that I'm home. After three days, all I can think about is going home, sleeping in my own bed, living by my own schedule, and enjoying my new-found freedom again. It's difficult to be an adult and live under someone else's house, even if it's just temporary.

I hope everyone had a great holiday....

and Elsworthy... thanks... what you said made me blush..happily so.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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