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2003-08-29 - 11:54 a.m.

A plan

Well, about six months or more ago, I made a post trying to figure out what I think I wanted to be when I grow up. My love and I have been talking more and more about it lately, especially since he found an ad for Adult ducation classes for a Nursing Assistant. For a mere $325 dollars I could take the required courses that would make me eligible to sit for a state exam to be certified in bedpan changing.

Now while that's a worthy profession; I won't scoff at it.. but I think I know a few things about myself. One, is I wouldn't content doing just that. The other is, I think I am smarter than that. I know I'm capable of more.

I've been doing some looking around and while it's too late to start anything now for the Fall semester, January isn't that far away. So here is the path that we're looking into. Starting in January, I'm going to attend the local community college and work on an Associates in Applied Science in Nursing. What this means is... I now have a goal to work towards. I know that nursing isn't a glamorous profession, but it's where I think I can do the most good. I've been trying to sit and think about how I can make a difference in my corner of the world, even if it's just for an hour at a time... I'd be involved in somethig that I really enjoy, and I'd be able to have the contact with the outside world that I really need.

I've been wracking my brain to try and figure out what fits me. I know from my past that I can deal with blood and the gorier parts of life (and death); and I know that I enjoy working with people. When I was a volunteer for the local rescue squad, i enjoyed the emergency medicine I was able to do as a cardiac-EMT. I've been warned that what I'm looking into is nothing like that used to be. I understand that. What I did back then, was a taste. A very small taste.

This may not be the final path, but going back to school is a start... and I could see myself as a pediatric nurse.

To that end, there are a few things that I need to get to work on to make this happen.

1. I need to talk to an advisor at the college.

2. I need to get the house organized BEFORE the filing cabinets leave

(The plan is to carve out a study space for just me and my books, as well as get a place for everything)

3. I need to get my blood sugar back under better control. (I haven't been paying attention to it like I should)

4. I need to get back on my diet and lose the weight I regained. Appetite suppressants didn't help, so I'm going to have to modify how I think about food. That's HARD. Probably the hardest part of everything I'm thinking about.

What this means is that I might be scarce at events and etc after January. I want to put 110% effort into this this time. I'm 37, I don't have many more chances to get this right and do well. I know from reading that I need at least a 2.0; and I really think I can make that happen. I want better than that, though. I want a 3.0 or better. 4.0 is too much to dream about, but wouldn't it be nice?

I'm still going to work full time (at least for now); and the plan is for me to stay here at my company until the curriculum says that I need to take clinicals, which will mean I'd have to work in a hospital (not for pay); and then I'd find something part time, or if we're able to by then, we'd make it on one salary.

Right now, I have a sticky note up in my cube at my monitor with the following questions to help me with my weight and my blood sugar...

1. Will IT help me achieve my goal?

2. Will IT have a negative effect on my bloodsugar?

3. Will IT improve my self-image

4. Will IT make me feel physically ill after eating it?

5. Am I truly hungry or am I just bored?

My Goal:

1. To lose 20 pounds

2. To Get the house in order

3. Register for classes for Winter session (2 classes)

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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