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2003-08-03 - 9:32 a.m.

Pennsic Redy....Almost!

Well! Let's see.. the topic seems to be about packign for Pennsic. While we're not completely finished, we're farther ahead than some. that's good... right? We finished our truck top (PVC covered with black canvas), my garb sewing is done, Gorm's garb has BEEN done; the hygiene tub has been packed and sealed. The bed has been broken down, put in a neat pile and declared to be small enough to take to war (YEAY!! We're going to have a REAL bed for Pennsic!!). The air mattress has been checked and found air-worthy; it's all deflated and rolled up. The pump for it has been located and it's charging as we speak. I found a large plastic tub and I'm using that to put other small things in that we "need".

Basically, we've got one garb tub (we space bagged all of our stuff so it all fits into one large tub). We've got a tub of canvas that's our pavilion, another tub that's got all of the other pieces for our pavilion, the "stuff" tub (the hygiene tub will fit in the "stuff tub"), the poles for our pavilion, Gorms Rapier and heavy fighting stuff, our bed and my loom.... that's really it, essentially.

Now that we have a real bed at Pennsic, I'm a LOT more excited about going. The idea of very little sleep didn't really do much for my yanno :) I can go to sleep safe in the fact that I won't end up getting tossed to the floor should my love roll over (or flip like a dead fish) in the middle of the night. Yep, I'ms ure that's more than you really want to know....

So at any rate.. we're almost rady.... we just need to arrange dog care while we're gone.. otherwise the Honey the 13 pound dachshund will eat Moose the 50 pound mutt. (He hasn't learned the concept of "I've had enough go away"

and yes, the cotehardie is still pink, although it's not as pink as it was, and it will have to do for now.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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