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2003-07-21 - 6:36 a.m.

Dreams, Wool and a slide to the Floor

As per usual for me, I read other folks diaries before writing my own so I don't have a LOT of free time this morning.

Lately, I've been relying on a friend of mine to post what I send her and I'm grateful for the assistance, Sarna!

Today, my right side is sore. See, yesterday, at the canton meeting, the chair I was sitting in broke on the right side, sending me to the floor in a bit of a hurry. In the process, I slammed my head on a wooden chair. My hip, shoulder and elbow all hit the floor and I was a bit dazed. When I finally assessed th damage and foundnothing broken, dislocated or otherwise truly injured, I managed to get myself up off off the floor, by way of my knees. So... to recap... bad knees, on the floor, no cushion, and supporint me. Yeah, it's not a good combination. As a result, one of them is clicking and popping. Nothing bad, just showing me who's boss. Funny how I said to my love that with Pennsic coming up, I'm entering the "be more careful zone" about my knees so I can be sure they're up to Pennsic without being quite so painful. Ahhh life... it's pretty grand. I have a nice knot on my head on the right side that gives me a slight headache if I turn wrong, my upper arm is somewhat sore, my hip is twinging like crazy and my knee is well... my knee. I feel like someone beat the crap outta me, but only on the right side..

Add to this that the yarn I bought for the baronial favors is sticky. The yarn is part acryic and part wool, I think (it's called "woolease") Each of the strands sticks to one another at the rigid heddle, creating something more than just a little unpleasant for a weaver. I'll get through it, but it will be the longest 5 yards of weaving I've ever done in my life. I swore off wool after the belt of doom I made on the inkle loom. I practically swore with every change of the shed.

I wish I knew a better way to work with wool, other than "don't". I know that with Linen, keeping it damp helps with broken ends, but I have no clue about wool and acrylic. Maybe this is a question for a weaving list I belong to. (If you have any suggestions, feel free to post 'em in my guestbook).

Work is going along okay. I'm not QCing anymore. I'm working on another project, which is good. I swear, if I had to QC for another dat, my hands were going to fall off and my eyes were going to go blind.

I've been having lots of pain in my hands (wrists and up to my fingers, but not really the fingers themselves)... and I think it all tendonitis flaring up again. Too much repetition in the job. Now they have me back doing data entry and while it's not a heck of a lot better, it's still a change, and that'll be good for the old hands at least for a while, until the repetition of that sets in, but by then, maybe I'll have moved onto something else.

I had another weird dream last night, about working in a strange place, that had patients it shouldn't have (at least I think they were patients, they were in hospital gowns and robes, but it wasn't a hospital... it was a highrise building, winning a trivia contest in a bar that was actually little more than a tent filled with people, serving strange drinks and food. I had to produce my driver's license to the person running the trivia contest to prove there was a winner, but I couldn't find it. I try to go back to my hotel, but I end up in a large highrise building and I decide to see what's downstairs. I never get to go downstairs, so I take a side route and go down five steps, turn a corner and take five more steps. I go down another set of stairs, turn a corner and I see someone in a while lab coat talking to someone in a hospital gown and housecoat. I hurry past those two people and find a stairway leading up, I take it and I find that it leads to another set of steps but there's a sign "Entrance" in huge letters. I go into the building, where you hve to stand in a box to call the elevator. If you don't stand in the box, the elevator won't let you on (it's a security thing), that again, appears to be perfectly normal. I get off on a floor that's not mine, follow someone into their office and hide behind their office door. When I realize that won't work, I end up at my office. I walk around taking to people, but I'm nervous as if I've seen something that I should, and I know people are looking for me. I talk to my boss about credit cards and finding my driver's license and then the scene shifts.

I'm in a hotel room pouring through everything I own to find it. I ended up finding other people's new credit cards (still in the envelope) and thinking that I had to take those to work (they were all imprinted with "Jerry, VP". Jerry, evidently, was my boss, but no driver's license. It's just gone. I know I had it two days ago, but I don't have it now.

As I'm searching my stuff, I look over at my roommie who is sound asleep. As she sleeps I see 12-13 "people" (i.e. ghosts) surround her, hovering over her in a circle and the circle just goes round and round. The people in the circle seem to blur at the edges, as they move around and around, as if they're moving at a really fast rate. Over to one side are two men, also "hovering" and they're making Siskel and Ebert-esque commentaries about what they're seeing. It doesn't phase me in the least. It's as if it's the most normal thing in the world. I'm still searching for my driver's license when she wakes up. I tell her to go back to sleep, and she says she's done sleeping and wants to go do something. I look at the clock, it's only like 2AM and tell her that I haven't been to sleep yet. We sit on the bed talking for a few minutes and in my dream, I drift off to sleep.

Weird, eh?

Okay.. time to wrap this up, it's 7:00 and I need a shower before work.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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