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2003-06-25 - 9:53 p.m.

Trixie, Harry and the dog's nose

Okay okay.. I admit it... I have something in common with leofwynne and Theo... I was also a Trixie Belden reader. I loved those books. I found Trixie and Honey and their adventures when I was probably around nine or so. Tha could be where my dog got her name... I never put the two together under now.

I was an avid reader even back then... and I wish I could remember the name of the author that was my absolute favorite back then. The name of the author was given to me by my penpal who lived in New Zealand. The only thing I can remember is the author wrote mysteries and I think the last name began with an "A". NOt much to go on, but then again, it was like 1974 or 1975 .. if we lived in that area still I could probably go right to the shelf where they were kept at the school library; but I doubt they'd still be there. Who knows, maybe bookgirl can help.

Work.. is work. That's all I can say. I hope it's almost over. Time will tell.

Congrats to leofwynne on a wonderful day in court. I'm glad it worked out well for all concerned.

I finished the latest Harry Potter book, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Let down is about as close to a description as I can come up with right now. After waiting for two years, I just expected....well.... more. It was a huge lead up (about 800 pages worth) and not much of a ending in all seriousness. Not really what I expected.

Oh well, you win some, you lose some. Gorm's reading the book now.. maybe he'll like it better than I did.

It's after 10:00 (just barely) and it's time to heat up the dogs' nose to remove the day's accumulation of wax (don't ask... you're better off just not knowing or using your own imagination, it's probably more fun anyways).

Okay.. I'm gonna make like a baby and head out... laters everyone!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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