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2003-06-20 - 10:16 a.m.

Harry Potter Friday

So.. this is what it's come to... I have to ask one of my two best friends to post for me

Thanks Sarna!

So today is the day I've been waiting for for TWO YEARS! It's Harry Potter Friday!!!!Yes, we'll be there at the Borders bookstore at 12:01 with all of the other munchkins and their parents who want a copy. I even had my sister standing in line this morning to get me a ticket. I probably won't get to read it until sometime on Monday, but that's okay. I have this vision of me being all Smeagle-like.... fondling the book.... all the while crooning "My Precious.... my Prrrrrecious!" guarding it jealously until I'm finished reading it.I know it's only a book, and since it's over 700 pages for each book, and they've got millions of copies so lots of trees gave their lives for this little endeavor, but still.. I've had this written into my pocket brain for the past two years... since I finished reading the last book..

This weekend will be a busy one. We've got lots of things going on. I'm going to spend the day with my sister visiting flea markets and the Virginia Bazaar. Gorm is going to Steirbach or Storvik (or some other "S" barony) for an event on Saturday to work on one of the events he needs to be a marshall. He's meeting up with us afterwards at my sisters house for dinner. Then we're getting the new-to-us sofa. That's also a plus!

We've got a meeting to check into a future event site on Monday after work. I'm very close to just sitting in the car while the meeting goes on.... so that way no one can say I'm "special". (Okay, I'm "special Ed", but that's our little secret!).

Tuesday, the old sofa that was my Mother's and is now mine (and has been for 10 years... making the sofa set we have about 12 years old.. and it shows).... is going to the landfill.

The next event I'll be going to is Assessments, followed closely by Last Chance, then Pennsic, then Siege of Glengary and then Crown Tournament, if it's not in way far southern North Carolina. I'm hoping to have a chance to sit and spend some time with Mistress Margret at Assessments, but she's busier than I am, so we'll have to see.

We've updated our Diaryland accounts for the next year (as of last night); so my cow spots aren't going to disappear for a LONG time.

Well, I should get to work. I've got some stuff to make up for from yesterday (I had a migraine yesterday and just couldn't focus.. but working on Gorm's new marshal's tabard helped. By the time the tabard was done, so was my headache.

T-minus 14 hours to HP TIME

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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