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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-04-29 - 8:57 a.m.

Trap Flappin'

Update: Okay.. the spots are now the right color... seems by background was corrupt... (wow.. what a way to put it!) Is it just me, or are my cow spots pink? No, it's not one of those "tree falling in the forest questions". It's an honest what-color-is-it-question? They weren't always pink.. were they?

Well, I managed to send four resumes and complete one online application last night. Add it to two the week before that makes 7 and I have another 7 or so that need to be faxed. Yes, after yearsday I'm hitting the job search front harder.

Yesterday, I got called into my stupidvisor's office and got fussed at for making "negative comments" about the firm during the bomb threat on Friday morning. I don't remember saying anything and when I asked for details although she said she was there and heard them, she couldn't tell me specifically what was said, only that at the time she thought it could have been "taken negatively". She launched into the "we want people here to be happy, is there anything we can do to make that happen?" My response was that I didn't think there was anything she could do, unless she could stop the policy changes that seem to happen on a weekly basis and are usually ones that benefit the workers less and less with each passing week. Of course, she couldn't speak to that (and I didn't expect her to). Basically, I said that if someone heard them and I can't remember that I said them, the prudent thing would be to believe that they were said and I apologized for the remarks and said I would do my best to be sure it didn't happen again. She went on to say that since they have competitors in the building (they don't); they can't have people making negative comments about the company or the work we do because it lowers morale. I told her that the low morale around the office wasn't my doing; but I would make sure that I didn't add to it.

In short, as my love put it, they tried to suppress my freedom of speech, and I'd say they did a good job of it. It's really up to me. Virginia is an at will state, if they don't like what I do or say they can and will terminate me. So the choice really is mine.

For now, the choice I've made is to keep my fat trap shut and do my job and hope that another one comes along VERY soon. If one doesn't come along by Sapphire, I'm going to go back to temping. I just can't deal with this a lot longer....

and please... no guestbook entries that start off with "you have to understand attorneys"...I'm all out of understanding THESE particular ones (evidently, I have heard that there are GOOD and reasonable attorneys out there....Mistress Rhiannon's bosses and Cuan to name a few).... But tell me this...if they know morale is a problem why don't they do something positive other than lean harder on the employees?

It's just an outward appearance of the adage "beatings will continue until morale improves".

Gimme a break!

Time to get to work... that 70 is looming farther and farther away. And oh yeah.. I found out this morning that the number some people are expected to hit is only 56, while I was told it was 70. Another example of different expectations for different people.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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