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2003-04-16 - 9:40 a.m.


I've taken to writing my diary posts in Notepad and then transferring them to diaryland when I get them written, that way I can take my time an update ya'll on every little exciting thing in my life. I'm sure you can't wait! I know I can't!

I walked out of the house this morning and found everything covered with a nice patina of green and bright yellow. Yep, that insidious pollen is here. It's main purpose is to stuff up sinuses and make eyes water. And I can say it's doing a great job on me! The parts that should be dry are runny and the parts that should at least be moist are dry as a bone. And let's not forget sneezing and watery eyes...Yeah, I know, it's rather gross. Is there an antihistamine out there that doesn't say that those with diabetes shouldn't take it. I'd love to know about it.

I tried to work on a sewing project last night... a new cotehardie made out of some red and blue fabric that Sarna gave me for my birthday. Well, let's just say it didn't work out the way I had hoped. I'm not completely done yet; but right now, it's not looking all that wonderful.

The first time I tried it on, it was a bit tight... so I decided to cut a slit down the center and make it lace up (that was mistake #1). I put it on again, thinking that the slit would help.. it did, but it was still WAY too tight (by like 8 inches or so.. don't ask me how.. it just was... so I added gores to the sides, 4 inches to each side, and it's STILL too tight by like another two inches. I can't possibly be expanding THAT much in this short of a time. I have another "fix" in mind, and while the seams won't be period, it will at least make it so I can wear the darn thing and not feel like if I have to take a deep breath I'll break a stitch and pop out like the girl in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (she ate some gum that was supposed to have a complete meal and ended up blowing up into a blueberry (the dessert)).

Tonight is pre-packing for Night Overboard. We have this nasty habit of leaving the chore of packing until the last minute and then we run around trying to find everything we want to bring and something invariably gets forgotten, or we leave later than we should and that makes us both cranky. I'd like to circumvent that as much as possible. I had planned to go to Night Overhard and wear early period, but then it occurred to me that this event is set in a time period and to show up in early period just wouldn't be right. So that's why I've been working on the new dress.

I've got a state application to work on also. There are a couple of state jobs that I'd like to try for. Yeah, I know... I said I'd never work for the state again, and I'm eating my words... my isn't crow tasty!

They've got me doing production entering at work these days and I have to say, it's been a LONG time since anyone required me to do production work. In my younger years (wow, I sound like I'm 90!), I could do it with no problem, now, I'm out of practice and I'm just not motivated the way I used to be. I know, I know.. and paycheck should be all the motivation I need, but it's not.

We found out this week that our office will be moving down into Shockoe Bottom. Now don't get me wrong, SB is a great place to visit, and people rave over the pizza at Bottoms Up Pizza, but that place just gives me the creeps. We're going to be occupying two floors of a newly renovated warehouse and because we're the largest tenant, we get our name on the building. (No, not everyone's name, just the company name.) You'll be able to see it from the interstate, so I'm told. I guess that's a good thing, I'm not so sure. One of the partners of our company was raving about having hardwood floors in the reception area and brick INSIDE. He called it the Ally McBeal theme (without the unisex bathrooms). Maybe ya'll can explain something to me... what is it about brick on the INSIDE that's such a cool thing? I don't get it. Supposedly, we'll have security... a 300+ janitor will be available to walk people to their cars after dark. Now I feel REALLY secure.. wouldn't you? They're doing a survey to see if people want access cards for our floors or not. My answer is YES! But the partners think it would be too "inconvenient" for everyone. As I pointed out, there is the thought that it takes about two weeks to learn a new habit. For the first two weeks it will be a royal pain, within a month it will be a habit and at the end of six months most people won't even realize that it hasn't always been that way. Of course that could be because the turnover is rather heavy right now and in six months there won't be many oldsters here.

My knee is finally getting better. I think I pulled or strained something at Coronation. It's been more than just a little sore since then. I spent most of the day yesterday with a weird "pain". I call it weird, because I can't really describe it. The only way I can describe it is like this: Do you know that pins and needles feeling you get when you sleep wrong and you pinch the nerve? That "waking up" feeling? This is similar, but not as bloody painful. It's more annoying than really painful. It's like I have the need to stretch, but I know if I do my knee will pop and the pain will be lots worse! I've got this little "tingle" from my shoulder down my arm and from my hip to my ankle, all on the left side. I'm supposed to do Chirurgeon stuff, depending on my the jello-ness of my knee, or I'll just be hanging around watching everyone have fun.

I've managed to get Gorm talked into another loom. This one is a foldable Rigid Heddle Loom. It can fold in half with the warp still on it and then it fits into a water resistant bag (not waterproof), but it's that portable.It's small enough so I can take it to events and do more than just inkle weaving. I'm hoping to have it before Sapphire, but I'll definitely have it before Pennsic, that'll be nice. Since I have to sit in camp during the day anyway thanks to the *&%$ "excessing heat and sunlight" that comes with Pennsic. I''m determined to spend the week with my feet in a little inflatable pool of water and a loom in my hands. I'm going to be the camp Mom this year for our camp. I get to make sure the camp runs on time and that sort of thing. I'm not going to do all of the cooking and cleaning and the like, but make sure that all of the work is spread around a bit so one group from within the group isn't doing everything. If it all works well, I'll have a LOT of time on my hands for fun stuff.

As usual, I've got a lot of words here, but nothing important to say. Enjoy your walk through my neural network :)

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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