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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-04-15 - 8:51 a.m.

Twitterpated Tuesday

All of a sudden last night, as if out of no where.. WHAM! It hit me. That horrible feeling of being overwhelmed with life. It wasn't just one thing, it was an entire list of things. It was ugly and awful.

One minute, I was sitting there watching Law and Order, the next I was pretty close to freaking out over the list of stuff that needs to get done.

See, for the past few months while my love was unemployed and finding new work and my job's been a pain in the you know where, so there's been a lot of "I don't really feel like doing anything" nights and weekends. We've managed to push through the weekends and get stuff done, but it hasn't been enough.

Oh, and have I mentioned that Sphygo has a thing about clutter.... it makes him neurotic.

And when the house is in a state of clutter as it is now, I can't find what I need, and it just adds to my feelings of incompetence.

I spent the entire evening flitting from here and there all over the place, not really getting anything done and getting frustrated in the process. I'd start one thing and then stop to do something else, then go onto a third thing and then a fourth and then look around at the chaos and want to explode.

Add to the fact that our dog lives his life by his nose.. I swear... if I could train him to follow just one scent he'd be the best search and rescue dog that ever lived. Without thinking last night, in one of my thirty things I was trying to do, I put something that obviously smelled like the most wonderful thing to a dog... and nothing sounds more evil to me than the sound of a dog licking something. It just drives me nuts! So in between trying to do what felt like 15 different things I was calling the dog out of the kitchen.

Yes, I know, you're thinking that problem could be avoided by just taking out the trash.. it was on my list of stuff to get done, right after #16. (world peace)... HONEST!

I went to bed last night wondering how in the world I could ever hope to keep it all together and have a baby too. I cuddled up next to my love and expressed that thought as he drifted off to sleep. His comment to me, which was wonderful, btw, was "well, hat's why you have nine months... to get ready" by the time the baby gets here, most if not all of this will be over and done with.

What I took away from that was a very calm "well, this too shall pass and sooner than you think".

I went to sleep all confused and not quite upset but more subdued and woke up this morning with a new order to my world.

To put it simply. I'll do the best I can and hopefully it will be enough.

Today is the 15th, I've got 16 days to get the quarterly report done. I'll get it done and in the mail within the next ten days or so.

I got the checks that I need to have signed written for next weekend.

I'm going to call Karin about cleaning the house on Friday and then I'm going to work on getting ready for the event on Saturday.

If there's time left over, then I'll work on finishing threading my loom for my next A&S project.

I need to get that warped up and woven so I can work on my next project (I can't say what it is.. it's a sprise for someone!);

I gotta take one thing at a time.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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