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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-04-14 - 9:33 a.m.

Monday Madness

Not a bad weekend, all told... we've got grass seed down now.. probably more than we should have, but I'm figuring in the wild bird and dog eating factor.

We had a lovely bonfire, fate conspired against us and we had to replace a mailbox.

I got half of my reed sleyed (weaving); and I forgot to take into account that since I'm trying for 36 threads per inch, I might need more ends so I can have it be a foot across (finished width). I'll have ot see how it goes when I get done. Right now, I think I'm going to be a little short, but it'll be okay. It's not anything horrible.. just something I didn't take into consideration when I planned the project. Better that I find out about it now rather than later.

I've got to work on my exchequer's quarterly report so I can have it ready for Night Overboard. It shouldn't be that difficult...we had very little expenses this time around.

I've got one question.. but that can be answered pretty quickly and easily, with just an email.

The bonfire last night has really thrown my sinuses for a loop. I woke up this morning at 4AM convinced that the house was on fire (I smelled smoke...I didn't shower before I crawled into bed.)...that's pretty interesting for someone who really can't smell!

The dogs are coming with us to Sapphire Joust... so don't be surprised to see a weener dog and a much bigger dog being walked around at 6AM. They'll both be taking me for a drag!

Next week is night on board (overboard, around board... ennnh, we're going to Lochmere!)... the next weekend, Sarna comes for the weekend... Sarna and Gorm are going to work on the Bryce chairs and I'm going to work on a rendition of a Molly Brown table. Yeah, it's not period, but it's only two pieces and it folds relatively flat and reasonable.... and better yet, it's something *I* can do myself.

Okay.. that's enough of an update.. it's not quite 10:00a.m. and I've got work to get done... I did 74 on Friday, so I need to keep my number "reasonable".

My list:

I borrowed some of my responses from Sarna, I hope she doesn't mind too much (I've given her credit when I used them). Where i'm at at the moment: My cube at work.. I hate cubes!

grade one teacher's name: Mrs Wiggins

last word you said: "stupid" (referring to my PC Speakers)

last song you sang: "I hope you Dance"

last person you hugged: Aithne

last thing you laughed at: Sphygodawg and his attemps at getting Honey to play "chase".

what's in your cd player: "Hout Cuntry Hits"

what colour socks are you wearing: No socks

what's under your bed: Unmentionables, a slipper, a rawhide, dustbunnies (more like a dustbunny caravan and the boogie man.. thank God for the Ninja Bunnya!)

what time did you wake up today: 6:30 am errrrrgh

current taste: Chocolate and strawberries

current hair: half ponytail, the rest long and wavy (natural)

current clothes: blue pants and a pink shirt with blue and dark pink flowers

current annoyance: cats screeching in the middle of the night

current longing: serger

current desktop picture: Cow print.... you mean you coudln't guess????

current worry: Rain NEXT weekend (woodworking weekend)

current hate: non trustworthy/dishonest people and of course, diets

story behind your username: My second SCA name.... looking into others.

current favourite article of clothing: a set of denim biboverall shorts and my celtic knotwork t-shirt.

favourite physical feature of the opposite sex: facial hair

favourite place to be: snuggled under the covers with Gorm, both dogs and cheesecake, watching Iron Chef!

least favorite place: Boy Scout Camp bathrooms.... I'm not 8 years old anymore!

time you wake up in the morning: When the dog alarm goes off (around 6AM)

if you could play an instrument, what would it be: I Do play flute, but I'd love to learn the piano

favourite color: gem colors... Sapphire Blue, Emerald Green, Ruby Red, Royal Purple.

do you believe in an afterlife: Yes. I've seen it.

how tall are you: 5 ft 7 inches

current favourite word/saying: "Ya'll come back now, ya' hear!"

favourite book: Harry Potter and.... (fill in the blank)

favourite season: Spring (so get here dammit)... I second Sarna's entry!

one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: My mother.

favourite day: Saturday

where do you want to go: Scotland

what is your career going to be like: Longer than I want it to be.

how many kids do you want: Only one.

what kind of car will you have: something with 4 doors, leg room and electric door locks.

type a line you remember from any book: "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

random lyric: It's a Great Day to Be Alive, I know the sun's still shining when I close my eyes"

Identify some things surrounding your computer: Origami calendar, scissors, nail file, udderly smooth hand lotion (it's in a cow print tube), cell phone, radio

I am not: Being productive right now

I love: to be loved.

I fear: Being left alone.

I hope: I am the best me I can be.

I hear: music from my CD player

I crave: chocolate

I regret: Failed relationships, immaturity, many stupid mistakes.

I cry: when I need to; although I hate to do it in public.

I care: what people think a LOT more than I should.

I always: Do too much and don't remember that "no" is in my vocabulary.

I believe: in many things, not all of them make sense or reflect my upbringing

I feel alone: in crowds sometimes.

I listen: constantly and hopefully consistently

I hide: less of myself than I used to.

I drive: not often enough.

I sing: Alone, or wearing headphones, or both.

I dance: in my head or when cleaning the house.

I write: too much probably.

I play: puzzle games

I miss: My parents, summer vacation as a kid,

I search: for inner peace and understanding.

I learn: something new everyday.

I feel: not quite overwhelmed but I can see it from here.

I know: Lots about very little.

I say: too much and too little all at the same time.

I succeed: When I know I shouldn't.

I dream: rarely and strangely.

I wonder: if this is what the Plan is for me.

I want: a child.

I have: too many animals, too much stuff, just too much.

I give: more often than not, more than I really should.

I fight: with myself more than anyone else.

I need: me time (AMEN SARNA!)

This just in... it appears that our office will be moving to the newly renovated building next to La Diff and Bottoms Up Pizza...something about brick being so cool.... it's a warehouse for chrissakes! Supposedly it's being renovated.. hopefully better than the last renovated building I worked in. The good news is, they move the week we're at Pennsic! TGIP! After having moved one office in my career, I don't want to move a second one, ever again. All I have to do is pack my stuff in a box and unpack it at the new place.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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