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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-03-22 - 7:50 p.m.


It was a VERY nice day. The weather was just incredibly beautiful. It was sunny, slightly windy and about 70ish.

I knew it was going to be a good day when the first person we saw was Susie. She came running up and gave us both hugs. (She said she loved my hair.. more on that later).

Other than two small injuries.. okay.. one had the potential of being serious,and thankfully the other wasn't nearly as serious.

I think I need to have a talk with the Kingdom Chirurgeon within the next few weeks. A few things happened at the event that I'm unsure about and I need a bit of guidance. It's not anything serious. I suspect it may just be a definitional thing about what a CIC does and whether or not it's "okay" for people to be chirurgeons WHILE they're fighting. Like I said, no big deal.

Today was a good day, like I said. We showed up in time, got things set up and I changed into my bue and white particolour. I had contacted the autocrat prior to the event asking about chirurgeon help and was told to come on down.

This morning, I decided to try a little known hobby known as hair sewing. I took a nice large (the only word that describes it is Glob) of hair jel (hold number 9 out of 10) and after liquifying it in my hands (that's a special feeling, lemme tell you), I smeared it all over my head, working it in as best I could. I divided my hair in half and braided each side. I then took a large eye needle and some white nylon coated cotton thread (the stuff we used to sew our pavilions last year... I swear no matter what I use that stuff doesn't seem to EVER get used up.. I think it grows at night when the lights are out), folded my braids up over my head and promptly sewed them directly to my head. On top of that, I applied "maximum superhold hairspray.

As my dear love put it... "some people have helmet hair.. you have hair that could be used as a helmet!" (it's okay.. you can laugh, I did!).

The scary and sad part is... I had to admit he was right. But I can assure you, had I been standing in a wind tunnel, every hair on my head would have stayed in place... it all might have BROKEN off my head and hit the wall at the other end, but it would have kept the "style". As a matter of fact, when I tried to wash the stuff out of my hair, I was convinced I heard the stuff coming off and make a shattering noise as it hit the bottom of the tub. I had to check for cracks.

Of course, once I got home... I got another surprise.. I have the first sunburn of the summer. The right side of my face and the right side of my chest and cleavage are both bright red. They didn't hurt til AFTER the shower. Go figure. My face was red and sensitive before, now if feels like I took a sand grinder to my face... how... lovely. I think I'm going to see about seeing a dermatologist in a few weeks (once this sunburn goes bye bye).

On a separate note... to Jeremy... I know we never spent much (if any) time together. I still considered you my friend. I wish you lots of luck in California. You're a great person and I wish I'd made a point of getting to know you better.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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