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2003-03-21 - 9:37 a.m.

Dark mood.. Grumpy

I'm in a bit of a grumpy mood today. Work is cyclic, which means for every day that I think is good, it'll be followed up by one that blows chunks. I should job hunt, but I gotta tell you, it's discouraging when you're one of like 100 people and you're all looking for the same job.

With my love going into teaching, it will mean a bit of a pay cut for us, and he may need to go to school to get his certification, so that'll mean that my return to school is going to have to be put off for a while. That's how things are sometimes. He needs this and I support his decision to try teaching.

The weaving part of my A&S project is done and it turned out really well, better than I expected. I had tried to upload a picture of it this morning to post here so ya'll could see it and oooh and ahhh over it, but it wouldn't upload (something screwy on Andrew's end, I believe). So you'll either have to take my word for it, or some see the A&S stuff at Coronation and leave me an indedx card of ooohhhs and aaaaahhs, or both :) I've got the documentation to finish (that'll be sometime this week); and then I have a bit of time to do some weaving for me. I'm doing some looking at doing something a little different than plain weave. I know I've got that one DOWN without a doubt, and now I'd like to branch out a little into another weave structure. Right now, I've got the blue chenille and the fatter yarn that's space dyed blue and another cone that's space dyed browns. The blue is going to be a table cover for the coffee table in our living room and the brown will be turned into placemats. The chenille is going to end up as pillow backs for the geometric cross stitch I've done.

I also have my first commission piece! it's already paid for, and it has to be done in plenty of time before June 22. Not a problem :) I don't think I could ever be a production weaver, I doubt people could really afford to pay me what it really costs... the quickest part of weaving is the actual weaving. Dressing the loom takes about twice as long as the actual weaving does. It may be something to do down the road, but not now, I don't know enough yet. It's still way too much fun watching it go from yarn turn into something neat!

As I've been saying for the past week, tomorrow is St. Paddy's Day Bloodbath and I finally heard back from the Autocrat and it looks like I'm going to be chirurgeoning; which is more than fine with me. I'll also be collecting stuff for Finnr's space; so I'm hoping to be busy and not busy at the same time, if that makes sense.

I also managed to find some Red, white and blue yarn in my yarn box and I've got my inkle loom warped with it and I intend to make red, white and blue woven ribbons to show support.

What's up with this... as I'm sure a lot of you read, I posted an email to the Merry Rose asking if there were any weavers out there interested in a gathering at Sapphire. One answered to ask if "lowly tablet weavers" we were welcome. I assured here that in my opinion, there's nothing "lowly" about tablet weaving and that she would definitely be welcome to our little gathering. After having this exchange, she thanked me and I asked her if she would be interested in attending... she sent me back an email and said she had other plans and she wouldn't be coming. Okay... as I said earlier, I'm grumpy today, but why bother going through all of that exchange just to tell me you have other plans? I was gracious to her, but I couldn't help wondering what the deal was. On the brighter side of things, I have received some email on the subject and quite a few people (okay, more like 5) are interested. But it's a start!

Is it me, but all of a sudden I seem to be finding quite a few things to do within the society these days. I remember going to events and being bored with nothing to do, now I seem to actually be a part of things. It's great!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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