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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-03-19 - 9:24 a.m.

Stuff in general

Yeay! I got in! Since I'm not a paying customer at the moment, I had to wait until the "high time" was past. I'll be glad when we have the money to go back to being paid members. This sucks.. I so want my cows back...but at the same time, if my love decides to go into teaching, we will need to cut back on some of our expenses and this may be one of them. He's leaning in that direction and I'm glad. I want him, and by extension me, to be happy. If that means he takes a job that doesn't pay what we're used to, as long as we can meet our expenses with a little bit left over, then I don't mind.

Oh, by the way, this will be a stream of consciousness entry, so be prepared to jump around like a mexican jumping bean :)

I spent some time yesterday evening working on my documentation for my A&S project. I have it written and footnoted, but I have some concerns. I wrote my documentation in the library where I have more access to some of the more important things are.. such as a map of Egypt. I found that the two dig sites are about 300 miles apart. One is practically in the center (basically a suburb of Cairo) and the other is about 300 miles southeast of there on the Red Sea Coast. The fabric I made was found in a dig in the southern site but it was believed to have been imported. Is it possible that al Fustat (the one outside of Cairo) was part of the trade route either to or from Al Quseir? I presume so, but what do I know. They're also in different time periods, but they DO overlap.

Secondly, I reread the article that spawned all of this a LOT more carefully and found that the cap that all of this came from was made from a weft-faced warp, not a 50/50 warp such as what I had made.

However, I am able to document the plain weave I used as period to time and place. Is that enough?

Due to financial considerations right now, I also had to use mercerized cotton instead of linen.

All of this combined makes me ask the question if I'm deviating too much from the original product?

My love quietly reminded me this morning that the purpose of this isn't necessarily to win, but to get feedback on the weaving part of things and I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I know.. but still....

It gets wet finished and fulled tonight, so we'll see what happens with it then. I may have to redo it. Right now, I have no way to know. That's the hardest part.. you can look at something and say "ewwwww" and then you wash and dry it and WOW! It transforms into something else you never would have guessed! That's the one thing I like about weaving. While it may come off the loom looking like something you wouldn't give to the dog, but when you take it out of the dryer it's gorgeous!

This Friday is finally payday. We've been limping along on my paycheck and the last of my love's unemployment and to say it's been rough would be an understatement. I'm glad it's almost over. Isn't it amazing how when you have no money you see all the things you need to repair, need to have and oh yeah, money we need to save for? There's just never enough money for everything at once, so we'll have to *ick* budget. I hate budgets.

This weekend is St. Paddy's Day Bloodbath and for some odd reason, I'm excited about it. I don't really know why... but I am. I guess because it'll be 60 degrees and sunny outside and lately I can't get enough of that sort of weather. Because of the weather and the money situation, we've been rather turtled in and I can't wait to come out of that and really experience Spring! I think that's probably the main reason.

I have one more HA! for the people I work for. As you may or may not know, I've been booted to another team and my new cube is now right outside the door of one of the people who were present during the infamous meeting with my boss back in January.... the cube they put me in now, faces the window (but I can't see outside unless I stand up); and my back is to the aisle so people can pretty much walk up on me at any given moment (and they have for the past week). It's not only been unnerving but it makes me feel like they're still going to the extra effort to find a way to say I'm not worthy to work here.... so I sorta fixed them....My new workstation is left handed to a degree, depending on where I place my computer. If I put it so my back is to the walkway, then it's right handed, but if I move my computer so I can see people coming towards me, then it's a lefty. I decided that working at a left handed workstation is better than feeling snuck up on... at least for now... I have plans to turn it into a right handed one with the simple application of a piece of wood. Now, the afternoon sun doesn't bother me and people aren't scaring the you know what outta me and I feel like I've won a victory of sorts... yeay me!

The war hasn't even started yet and it's already making me sick to my stomach with concern. I'm more concerned about our troops than I am abou terrorism. I just want everyone to come out of this with a minimum of lives lost on both sides. Sadddam isn't going anywhere, so all I can say is.. here we go... and with that... I'm off

Ya know.... I've had this weird song running through my head and I suddenly realized it's appropriate:

It's the Three wishes song from Christmas......

Of all the great wishes
in a wonderful world...
I'd only ask for three.

And if I could have three wishes
And if my first wish came true
There'd be peace on earth
Good Will among men
and love in all that we do

Can you imagine a world like that
What a wonderful world it would be
And then I would wish
It could go on forever
For people like you and me

If I had my way this Christmas
And if the two others came true
My third wish would be
For now and forever
To share all my wishes with you.

My third wish would be
For now and forever
To share all my wishes with you.

I pray for peace and I hope for a quick resolution.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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