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2003-03-13 - 9:31 a.m.

Thursday Triflings

Well, I had this nice neat entry almost finished and a co-worker sent me a link.. I clicked on it and well, you know the rest of the story. So here I am again :)

Just so you know.. the white background is NOT you or your monitor... I'm no longer a Gold Member here on Diaryland, so no nifty stuff for me anymore. I may pay for it again, but don't hold your breath. People don't seem to post as much as they used to. I wonder if folks are losing interest. I still like it here, but I'm not sure it's worth the money to have the cutesy stuff. I'm sure I'll change my mind, but right now, I can't bring myself to part with the money (more on that later)

I'm feeling a tad bit beter today than I have for the past week. I spent about 30 minutes with my analyst and pretty much bared my tortured soul to her about what's going on and how I feel. She listened and then we set about to try and find ways to make the transition smoother. I'm not looking for easier, just smoother would be dandy. She decided (and I agreed) that for the present time I would stick with what I'm doing and gain a bit of proficiency with that before I start more training on other stuff. That helped a BUNCH.

My analyst is not a lawyer, she was once a claims specialist like I am. She's very well oorganized and she's very clear with her instructions and expectations. Lawyers, on the other hand, are weasels (Cuan, is of course, excluded from that statement. I'm sure he treats the non-lawyers a damn site better than the weasels here do). A co-worker of mine asked why she was one of the ones to get booted to the other team and she got a bunch of sunshine blown up her behind and not much else. Once a weasel, always a weasel. I just want to know one thing.. to they have "weasel 101" as a class in law school?

As for my A&S project, it's coming along okay. The weaving part gets re-worked tonight (thank you Jo!.. Weaving email lists ROCK!)and I spent some of last night gathering information from Baroness Magdalena. Between that information, my own knowledge and the sources I have at home, writing the documentation shouldn't be a problem. Now all I need is to find a good format. I mean, do we use foot notes or just a reference list at the back with the bibliography? It's been a LONG time since I've written a term paper of sorts.. .I think it's time to go peruse Karen Larsdottir's webpages on doumentation.... if I can only find the link she's sent me about six times.. Oh Karen.. if you're out there, could you send it again... please... I won't ask for it ever again! :)

We had a bit of a weird experience last night coming home from the library where we met Magdalena. We were driving up the hill close near our home and all of a sudden, there was a road closed sign with a detour to the left. We had to choice but to follow the detour around to Halifax and that other street that shall remain nameless (ahh.. yes.. Flank, but only the Flank that runs between Halifax and Vaughan). We turned left onto Flank and followed it down to Vaughan, and there we found a "no through traffic" sign posted on Vaughan. We decided that since we live there, we're not "through traffic" and then rode by our house towards the other end to see what the problem was. It was dark, so we couldn't see a heck of a lot once we got to where the road was actually CLOSED, so we turned around and went home. What we could see, was that the crossing gates for the railroad switching yard was done (the tracks are across Halifax that leads to Vaughan); and there appeared to be a lot of heavy machinery and trucks and stuff. We went home and I found the phone book and called the Petersburg Police NON-Emergency number. I figured that since we live there, we have a right to know. Even though it was the non-emergency number, I stated first off that this was NOT an emergency and that I was merely looking for information. I explained what I saw and the officer I spoke to confirmed our suspicion of a train derailment. I asked her if there was anything we needed to be concerned about and she very pleasantly said no; and if there were, they'd definitely let us know. I hung up feeling much more relieved.

We had dinner out on the way home, and by the time we made it home, my knee was barking up a storm (something about cold and damp). It felt like I was walking on jello... (hmmmm.. maybe there's a song in there... I'm walking on Jello....(to the tune of Walking on Sunshine).... Naaaa.. prolly not.).. squishy not quite firm jello. The new work I'm doing has me walking around a LOT (it's wonder any work gets done that way); so by the end of the day, I'm achy. It's good for me, but I'm still achy.

This weekend looks like we're going to have the opportunity to get more yard work done; but this time I'm not going to try to lift whole trees by myself...Why yes, i did that last weekend and I've paid for it ALL week this week. I know not to do THAT again.

I think this weekend will be more clean up from winter and perhaps some rock distribution (all the Spring stuff that doesn't cost any money). Then we'll look at things and make some decisions on what we're going to do with the yard this year. Not a heck of a lot just yet; we were hoping to get some real work done this year, but with him being on Contractor status, I just don't feel right spending a LOT of money on the yard. We need to do something to beat back the forest though (or at least keep it in check). We found out last weekend that the reason all of the trees look to be about 20 years old or less, is because they are. There's no old growth around, so we don't have to worry about the tree huggers. I think Bob and Mrs. Bob would be happy with just about any positive changes we could bring ourselves to do. Keeping up with a house is a LOT more work than an apartment ever was.. but the trade off is far away neighbors, stars at night and the beautiful flora and fauna out there. That makes it worth it.

Maybe next Spring I'll campaign for screening in the front porch so I can sit out there in the porch swing I want to buy, read my books and enjoy life.... yeah... right... sure :) I'm in the SCA. I have no life to enjoy between Memorial Day and the end of October. Then we spend the rest of the year trying to recuperate from Pennsic and work on new stuff, just to get ready for the fighting season to start again in January. It's not a bad life by any stretch, but there are times when I just want to laze in a hammock, read a book and let the world go by for an afternoon.

I wonder if one can be made to hold someone my size :) I know how to make the hammock itself.. The hard part would be making the frame... and before we did that.. we've got chairs, some tables and a bed to make.... the bed and chairs before Sapphire, hopefully (or at least the bed). Speaking of Sapphire, we're going to have to wait until next payday to pre-register. We just can't afford it right now (we have to wait 4 weeks for my love to get his first paycheck... and we're living on the last bit of his unemployment and my last paycheck.. it doesn't go as far as we need it to, so some things are just going to have to wait.

I just read this on the website. I'm happy that this new surgery can help people breathe unassisted, but then I have to ask of all the people in the world who need this potentially life saving treatment, why is Christopher Reeve one of the first five and why is he one of the 35 that have been approved for this surgery. Other than being an actor and having money, what makes HIM the top candidate ahead of someone else? Perhaps money does make the world go round after all.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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