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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-03-07 - 8:52 a.m.

Fabulous Friday!

In the words of somebody, "Wow! What a week!"

on Monday it looked like Friday would never get here, on Friday, it seems like Monday was a lifetime ago.

So much has happened and it would be hard to recap it all without leaving something out, so I'll just say it was a helluva week and let it go at that.

I spent my evening after supper last night in bed with a pillow over my head. Yep.. the sinus headache I had all day followed me home and decided to make me miserable. Do you know what's the world's worst instrument of torture when you have a horrible headache.. it's the phone. The one that sits less than a foot from my ear to be exact. When I have a bad headache, I'm over sensitive to a LOT of things, touch, taste, smell, sounds you name it. All of it is painful. Last night everytime the phone rang (which was only twice but seemed like twenty times), I had to practically peel myself off the ceiling.

Sphygo, bless his heart, wanted to make me feel better by playing. He hopped up on the bed with his favorite missile... a rawhide bone and kept trying to throw it to me (or at me, depending on your version of things). All I could do was lay there and "ow" everytime it smacked a body part.

I laid there and listened to the President's speech as best I could with my "good ear". To sum it all up, Saddam is running outta time. Whether or not we're going to war isn't a question. It's a matter of time. I can't say if this decision is right or wrong, I don't know all the details (and neither do most people); but whatever happens, I will support my country. I'm not overjoyed at the prospect and I think that it will take a lot longer to be over than the last one; and it will get ugly; but I also think that if we don't do anything, we'll be fighting this war of passive-aggressive behavior when our grandchildren are adults.

Tomorrow promises to be a wonderful Spring day. I can't wait for Spring (I would say it's here, except for the fact that today is only supposed to be 48). I have visions of opening up the windows and letting some air circulate tomorrow. We also have some yard work to get done. I noticed this morning that we had quite a few of the more spindly pine trees go down during the weather this winter. Those will need to be cleared out and the half-fallen one will have to be cut down too. I also want to get some of the pine needles and the like cleared out of the front stand of trees and do some policing of the area around the house..and oh yeah... I've also got some bulbs to plant.... I know... I know... if I think I'm going to get ALL of that done on Saturday I'm crazier than a bedbug!

Once we cut the pine, we have to figure out what to do with it. I know it's no good as fire wood.... but I wonder how we can get rid of it.

Tonight is the start of loom warping. This is when I take several balls of yarn and stretch them over pegs that are a specific distance apart a specific number of times (in this case a total of 240 times, or ends). I will need 180 blue "ends" and 60 "natural" ends.

I'm sure you all want to know what comes next in the process, but you'll have to wait til tomorrow to find out. I ahve to leave something to make you want to check back, because it surely can't be my whining that makes you all want to keep reading :)

To Answer Blackbear's daily question... what I learned yesterday is gifts and presents are no measure of love and affirmation. That comes from within not from exchanging green paper for "stuff". (I'm still in the process of learning this, but at least I recognize it; now I have to put this new idea into practice).

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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