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2003-03-04 - 4:47 p.m.

I'm being moved

Okay.. to cover all the bases here... this is all conjecture and my own opinion. This whole entry is about what I *FEEL* is happening around here. It's all what I feel. I don't have any inside information, nor do I claim to know the "truth" whatever it may be. With all of that being said now, I can move on...

Well, it appears that I'm being shifted to another "team" complete with another analyst. I'm no longer working on claims for people with faulty hips, I'll be working on claims for people who took certain prescription drugs that had serious side effects. Yeay me. No really. I was just thinking to myself about an hour ago that I'm sick and tired of working on these bleep bleep claims. As of tomorrow, I won't have those claims to worry about. It could be worse....I am still getting a paycheck and maybe I won't be quite so bored and best of all, I won't be under the current chain of command that is so stifling.

I'm looking at it as a positive change, at least for now. I have no idea what I'll be doing yet, if there were dog cages to clean I'm sure I'd be the one volunteered for the job, though.

The other good news is, I'm changing teams, but I don't have to move all the stuff in my cube (not that there is very much these days). I could have it all packed in about 5 minutes or less.

What's funny is, our current team is comprised of about 11 people, seven of us are moving to the other settlement, leaving four people (who have the least amount of experience with the settlement). Oh well, that's their decision, not mine. The way it was explained to me was that it had nothing to do with with work performance, I was doing a great job, but the budget is running thin... very thin....and the other one is having an influx of work to go with the fairly large budget and rather than hire temps, they're going to use the rest of us instead... so it bears out what I said about people around here being fired.. Everyone who's been leaving is from my current team.... it's all about the budget.. I see a huge swirly hanging over this place, BIG TIME. I'm expecting to come to work and find a big "sorry" on the door and the lights out. I could be wrong, let's all hope so.

Again, all of this is strictly my opinion (I don't want to be sued for slander or whatever, hence the beginning and end here).

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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