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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-02-28 - 5:45 a.m.

Master Finnr

What can I say that hasn't already been said about Mastter Finnr. The man wa Yarnvid. He was Caer Mear. He embodied all of the good virtues we all want to have. He lived a quiet existence doing what he felt was right. He was a strong man, loved my everyone.

In the beginning when we first joined the SCA and there was a mixup and we didn't show up for a few weeks, James was on the phone. When we went to our first event, James was there. Even as the autocrat, he at least had time to say hi and make sure things were going well for us within the society. When things didn't seem "quite right" he was the one to explain things to us.

He IS the SCA. He is what we all strive to be and the world is a sadder, darker, colder place without him in it.

I spoke to his wife last night (I had called on a completely unrelated matter I had no idea). She is known for her wry sense of humor. That's when she told me the details of what had happened. I tried to comfort her as best I could, but I believe I failed miserably. I was able to tell her with a degree of certainty that he didn't suffer and it was quick; but what a horror she must have seen.

To say she is upset is an understatement. She is my friend, as much as he was. I wanted to jump up and go there to be with her, but I couldn't. I want to be there with her this weekend, but I can't. I have another responsibility that takes precedence--we have a meeting on Sunday that we need to prepare the house for. Yes, I know, there's very little more important than being with a friend at this time of loss, but at the same time I have another obligation too.

This is not about me, it's about my thoughts and how they're all running together. I hung up stunned. I couldn't cry, I couldn't do anything other than feel numb; as if the wind had been knocked out of me. Finnr doesn't die, he'll live forever! Finnr is one of those people you KNOW will be at the next event. He'll be the merchant who's always got a smile and he'll be happy to lend you whatever it is you need for feast, and he'll cut you a good deal on anything else. I've never heard the man utter an unkind word about anyone. He works hard, usually in shadows. He is not only worthy of a Laurel, but there should be a Pelican in there too. He's done more for the people of Caer Mear and other places than we could begin to count. If they ever awarded Peerages posthumously, he'd certainly deserve one.

He's one of those people that makes the SCA what it is. He's one of those people who'd rather show you what Harry down the street did than he would show you what HE's done.

I just read back over what I wrote and it's full of "he is" rather than "he was". As long as the SCA is alive, so will be the spirit of Finnr.

If the bible verse that says "as ye sow, that shall ye reap" is true, then Finnr has one huge pile of reward waiting for him when he gets there; there is only one place for someone like Finnr, that's heaven.

Finnr, you are gone but you will never be forgotten. You were friend to everyone and unkind to no one. Without you Caer Mear and Yarnvid would not be what they are now. You even had a hand in developing our Canton. You wanted good things for all of us. You made us all smile.

I wonder if it would be such a horrible idea to set up (and purchase of course) a merchant space in memory of Finnr at Coronation? Nothing fancy, just a blanket and a small sign.

He will be missed by so many.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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