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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-02-27 - 9:07 a.m.

The day after

In a word... HELL. I had just typed a long entry and I am SO excited I just couldn't wait to tell ya all, then someone sent me something to look at (a picture) via email.. I clicked on the picture she sent, and you guessed it... it opened in internet explorer and it wiped out my entry.

To sum it up....

1. I had a good birthday off.

2. I found the project I want to do for Kingdom A&S at Coronation

3. I found most of the documentation I need for the project.

4. The plan is to find the person who wrote the article I'm using to start the documentation (I'll tell you all where it came from later); and perhaps use interlibrary loan to find the books I need.

In short, I'm excited. I found something I can do... and do reasonably WELL for a competition. It's not the winning, I just want to have a piece and documentation that I'm content with. That's what's important. I stand a good chance of accomplishing that goal; and I can have fun with it at the same time!!

Update... I just went looking to check on prices for what I wanted and found that the stuff I wanted to use for my project is just out of my reach financially. I wanted to use linen, but it's like $32 for 8 ounces (that's the smallest increment they sell it in, and I need two colors... so we're talking $64 before I even think about shipping). That's more than I can spend on a project right now. I tried to find cotton, but I can't find anything small enough. *sigh*

Here's an update to the update. On a whim I emailed another weaver friend that I've kinda begged to be my Shell Answerwoman when it comes to all things weaving. I wrote and expalined her my problem with the expense of linen and asked if she could tell me what would be a suitable substitute size of thread wise. The winner appears to be cotton! The difference is a mere 4 wraps per inch... not bad at all... I want it 6" wide, so I just need to add an additional 24 ends... and then there's 10 percent for take up, so that's another 6 ends per side, and it's about one half the cost of linen. I can deal with that

Now, let's add insult to injury, so to speak. Remember that job I interviewed for about two weeks ago? Well, I haven't heard anything and to my knowledge they haven't checked my references or anything, so I'm guessing I didn't get the job. That would have been just the perfect job... less than a mile from my love's new job and the benefits are incredible! I was willing to take a pay cut for the job if that's what it took. Oh well, I need to continue my search, but it is a bit disheartening and depressing. My timetable of having a new job by my birthday is of course, shot to hell, and that's my doing; there's no one to blame but me. I've been trying desperately to avoid it. Oh how I hate rejection and looking in the paper only to realize that out of the thousands of jobs being offered, I can MAYBE do 5 of them (and some of them are if I stretch a bit). I'm not trying to be picky.. I just want out. I sent a thank you email to the person who interviewed me the other week... doing the "I sent you a handwritten one I sent you was returned chewed by the post office". I ended the email with a "Thank you very much for the opportunity to meet you and I hope to hear something soon about the position" as a way to sort of see how the outcome of the position really went. Who knows.. maybe I'll "win" on technicality :) They're taking so long maybe choices 1-5 will already have jobs :)

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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