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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-02-25 - 8:19 a.m.

Twas the Day before my Birthday!

*yawn!* I'm tired today. It's funny, I sleep better from 8PM to midnight than I do from Midnight to 6AM. I keep having these really weird dreams. I guess it's stress-related; but it's really starting to aggravate me.

I've started working on the Canton webpages and it's taking me a bit longer to get them done than I expected. It's taking so long because I'm having to remember HTML. I decided not to use Netscape or the I.E. version of an html editor (they both behave funky on my machine); so I'm now using a real html editor and it's taking some time to remember what I once knew. I'll get it, it's only a matter of time.

We were gone for the weekend, as you know if you read my first entry on monday, and now we're home and things are getting back to normal except for one thing.. Sphygo. The dog has gone crackers. It's because it's been too wet for him to spend much time outside so he's got a bunch of pent up energy he needs to let loose, and the forthcoming weather isn't helping either (snow flurries today and the possibility of more rain and some snow tomorrow). He's got so much energy it's really not funny and he wants everyone and everything to play with him. It's easier to deal with when it's a small dog, but when it's a larger dog, the problem just gets bigger. We have to watch him closely right now because this is when he starts to chew those awful inappropriate things (like my weaving supplies).

Speaking of dogs, something weird happened this morning and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. We noticed yesterday that Honey is determined to follow Sphygo wherever he goes... like his little shadow. We just thought it was so she could steal whatever he was playing with (which she did occasionally last night). This morning, when it came time for us to leave, I pointed towards Sphygo's cage and said the magic words. He hopped in without a word and sat down... as I leaned down to close the door, Honey hopped in with him. She would NOT come out unless he did. I had to get him back out of the cage (she followed), hold her and redirect him back in the cage (she tried her hardest to get back into the cage before I was able to close the door.) I got the door closed and directed her to her cage. She wasn't happy, but she went in and then started to cover the bowl of dry food I left in her cage (she covers it to save it for later). I sincerely hope the cage incident this morning and what we witnessed last night means that the bonding we've been waiting for is happening. That would be a wonderful Birthday present... dog harmony in the house!

Sphygo's ear infection appears to be cured. We've run out of the medication and the ear wash and he's not pawing at his ears and shaking his head, they're both good signs.. and he appears to be porking up a bit. It wouldn't surprise me that when we take him back for another check up, we find he's gained another 3-5 pounds. You can feel his ribs when he lays down, but when he's sitting upright, he looks rather barrel chested. I'm going to call the vets tomorrow to make an appointment for Saturday morning.

No, we're not going to KASF, we need some turtle time at home and to get stuff ready for the Heralds. We're also going to go to the Richmond Home and Garden show to get some ideas on the house and the lawn on Saturday.

I've decided that I'm going to enter my first competition at Coronation in April. I'm going to enter something (woven) in the Temporae Atlantiae. I'm taking the day off tomorrow (it's my birthday!), and the intent is to get started on the documentation for my project and hopefully get a good start on at least figuring out what I plan to make. I don't have much time (or much money) so I can't go but so overboard with this. Maybe I should wait on this until things are better? If I do that, then I'll never get there. It's like having a baby. If you wait til you're ready, you'll never BE ready. I also plan to leave several index cards by my entry so I can get some constructive help with my weaving. Is that a good idea? This will be my first competition, so I want to make sure I do the "right" thing. I'm not concerned with winning, I'm more concerned that I get some commentary. If I do win, well that would be amazing. So all of you out there have have entered A&S competitions before, feel free to leave me your advice on what is a good thing to do, what would really be a bad thing to do, and any other words of advice or encouragement you can.

I do have decisions to make about this... one of which is should I do something on the floor loom or the inkle loom?

I'm actually getting excited at the prospect of making something to enter.

Well, it's time to get to work (my schedule has changed a little bit now that my love is working (he loves his new job by the way. Yesterday was the first day). I'm now getting to the office before 8:00 and leaving sometime around 5:30. I know have about 45 mintues to kill before I'm due to start work and now I have an hour off for lunch. I decided that I can work 8-5 (with an hour off for lunch) and then spend time until 5:30 working on cross stitch. I'm working on some geometric patterns form the Here Be Wyverns book for the house. Once I'm done with them, I intend to get them matted and framed. The plan I have to work on the geometric shapes, then move on to other things in the book and have then throughout the house. It will take me a while, but in the end, the house will be filled with all sorts of neat medieval people, animals, designs and other items. Just the way I want it :) Sort of like a medieval country theme... I'll start a new trend :)

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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