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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-02-21 - 10:07 a.m.

My world

They got rid of another one yesterday. He was a hard worker, to my belief, and he will be missed. I wonder when it will be my turn. Soon, is my guess... but hopefully I'll hear something positively about the interview I had a week or so ago and this will all be a distant memory.

I spent another evening (in between cleaning watching tv. I watched Survivor and again, I feel like I should call every person in the US and apologize for my gender. I mean really.... the cattiness and attitude are really insufferable. Joanna's fundamentalist preaching is really getting on my nerves. She doesn't want the idol because her religion forbids it... then what's SHE doing on Survivor????? The way the woman are treating Christy (who's deaf) is horrible. Now I know we're seeing the edited version and it probably isn't that bad... but in the cuts they showed, they did everything but act like she had open sores. It was just embarrassing. No one's making the slightest effort to include her in anything. I'll admit she's a bit strong with attitude but after a week of being in a group where no one interacts with you; I'd be full of attitude too.

:ater on that night was "I'm a Celebrity! me out of here"; it's still the most useless excuse for a waste of videotape. We got to see Ian Ziering's (remember him from Bev. Hills 902it blows?") in her skimpy bikini and we got an hours worth of how turned on another celebrity is. This is the woman who wears makeup in a RAINFOREST! Then lets move on the wife of Mr. Permanent Suntan (Alannah Stewart). That woman needs to have her psychotropic meds adjusted and her therapy upped to more than she had when she agreed to this little stunt.

Add to it what they have planned next week.. basically, the next stunt is to have Kelly (Ian's wife) gets to grab a bag of stars from a pond where crocs live (I'll be they either have their mouths sewn shut or they're so well fed they could care less)... after that, one of them will be put in a metal box in the ground, a grate put over them and palm leaves on top of the grate. For ever two minutes they're wiling to stay in this "grave" they get a ration of food for one person...Okay... maybe I'm cracked, but that's a bit much. In my not so humble opinion, that's not in fun, it's screwing with people's fears. Last night, one of the stars had to put their hands in several jars of supposedly poisonous spiders to get these painted stars (each star is again, one ration of food). I love all of you, and I know you'd be counting on me, I gotta tell you...but ya know what I'd say..... Cook up the rice and beans, it's not happening (and I'm not a celebrity!). All in all, I think it's a bad show and a waste of two weeks. I don't plan to watch another episode of the thing if I can help it.

There's not really a lot going on. Now that my love is back to the gainfully employed, I'm now back to worrying about MY employment. I was up at 4:30 this morning with an upset stomach thinking about it. I believe I'm doing my job well, but then again, so did the one who was let go yesterday. The poor man was in tears, hobbling around on a crutch (he had knee surgery not too long ago); trying to carry a box of his belongings out the door.

The perfect world would be that I get the phone call with the job offer before they let me go. If not, there are things I can do (and I'll do them).

I'm sort of looking forward to the weekend and on the other hand it wouldn't break my heart to stay home. I think I'm just rebounding to all of the stress lately. I have this want to turtle down and spend it cuddling with my furkids. We ARE going though, for a number of reasons, one of which it'll be good for my love to get out of the house among people he likes and do some brainless activity for a weekend; and good for me too, I guess. I get to have people be nice to me for a weekend. They always treat me like a Queen. It's a little insettling... no one's ever thought that highly of me before. Those two can make me feel like everything is great and wonderful and all is rosy... unless of course, Mr. Willy is there. He gives me the creeps (he will be there, but my Love has promised to not leave me alone in the same room with that guy...*shiver*

Today is Pizza day at work. I decided that a neat way to celebrate my birthday (it's early... it's not until Wednesday, but today's payday at the office)... would be to invite some of the friends I have adjoining cubes with (and thankfully I like them all) to all chip in and order pizza. We're having a hard time getting the pizza order straight, but I think it'll be fun!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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