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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-02-17 - 12:25 p.m.


I'm home today, not because the the swamp-suckin company I work for is closed; but because I made the decision that if the governor declares a state of emergency for the whole freaking state we should not be out and about today.

But the company I work for didn't see it that way. We are under a "special circumstances" designation. What hooey. Basically, the office is open for business, but it's up to me whether or not I show up for work; and they are being generous about letting me either take it as a PTO day, or they'll let me work late the rest of the week and on Saturday to make up the missed time. How incredibly generous of them, no really.

Most companies would close and do the "out of concern for our employees, we decided not to risk it." Not my company. It's just another indication that they aren't interested in the health and well-being of their employees, they are more concerned about the finished product, no matter how they get it.

In short, it's a sweatshop. The sooner I get out of there, the better. Say prayers, light candles, make deals with whomever you need to, but lets all hope that I get out of here sooner than soon.

I'm having some really weird dreams for the past few days and it's really affecting my waking hours. Add to that that I keep waking up feeling like something the cat wouldn't drag in and you get a small inkling of how I'm doing these days. The ickiness seems to go away once I eat something and take my diabetes medicine. I don't know what's going on.

As with everything else, I'm putting it to stress.

Honey hates the cold. She goes out and then we get her high pitched "I'm not joking, I'm out here freezing off my you know what if I still had it... now let me IN" bark; Sphygo on the other hand loves it! He's tried to eat it, play with it; roll in it, dig it up (he gets really confused when it turns brown once he hits dirt). This isn't his first snow by any stretch; but he still hasn't figured out what to actually DO with it. The sleet and freezing rain isn't helping his traction either. He comes running into the house and between the linoleum and his wet feet, he can slide all the way to the carpet; which is where he wipes his feet. Oh well, carpets and dogs don't mix. I wonder if we can just tile the whole house?

Off to find the lost remote and the cordless phone...

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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