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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-02-13 - 9:21 a.m.

Thursday Reflections

Ahh.. Thursday.. you can almost smell the weekend in the air... it's almost here! Yeay is the word I'd shout from the mountaintop if I could get to one and still be at work.

I ended up asleep by 8:45 last night and managed to wake up at 12:30 to take my medicine. I'm up to 4 pills at night now. Yeay me.

I woke up at 6AM, took the dog outside and started watching television. I have somehow managed to get wrapped up in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's the Lost World on TNT. I ate a bowl of cereal while I watched. The next thing I know, it's 7:30 and I need to be out the door in about 20 minutes or less. I ran through the shower, got my love up and we were out the door with about a minute to spare. As I was dashing out the door, Honey hopped in her cage and I bent over to latch the door and got a surprise... I felt a "sproing" in my back and I got a really sharp pain across the lumboscral area and it's still there. I walked out of the house and started to walk down the step. I got to the second step, felt another "sproing" and yelped in pain like honey does when Sphygo pins her to the floor. I waited for it to pass and made my way to the truck. I bent down to pick something up and it happened again. All I could do was yelp and wait. Thankfully it passed and I was able to climb into the truck. The cold of the vinyl seats was rather soothing and whatever I did seems to be a bit better now... thankfully, it's more of a dull ache. It has me sitting up straighter than I normally do; lemme tell you that was pain in a bad way. I sprained my back when I was a teenager (13); so I have sympathy for people with back trouble. I will do just about anything to never have more than the bit of back pain I had this morning.

I got to work and checked my blood sugar (i'm trying to get back into testing at least twice a day... most days I fail, but I'm trying), my blood sugar this morning (before my morning medication) was 156. Not good when I need it to be about 110. I'm now properly medicated and I'll be sure to remember to check it at lunch. I'm thinking stress might have something to do with that number. Do you think? :)

This weekend promises to be cold and wet (I've heard everything from snow to sleet, to freezing rain and "just" rain). It's supposed to run the gamut. I plan on making some beef stew in the crock pot and spending the weekend weaving and working on the domesday report (that's tentatively scheduled for Friday).We've also got the canton meeting on Sunday that should be interesting. I've got some news to report (not good or bad, just some stuff to talk about).

As for the condition Orange situation, I've come to a personal decision that I'm not altering my life. I'm going to trust in my government, my military and my God to keep me safe. I will not live in fear. They can't make me a prisoner in my own home.

In case you're wondering... things went reasonably well yesterday. The appointment lasted 1.5 hours. I've never been grilled like that in my entire life. I felt like they were going to ask me to roll up my sleeve and give a pint of blood (I think that comes later, though... I'm not sure).

Tomorrow is MUSHY day (or as my best friend calls it VD!) stay tuned :)

I really hope I didn't just screw up. During my meeting yesterday one of the people there mentioned that they were looking for information on medieval feasts for their son. I found the like to the A&S webpages for Atlantia and I found her email and sent it to her. I had mentioned to her yesterday that I could find some information that might be help. Of course now I'm worried that I overdid it in my effort to be helpful. (I guessed at her email address) and I just sent one link, but still. I didn't mention anything about the position, and the only mention about the meeting was in reference to how I knew about the information she was looking for. She never said she wanted the information, though. So, now I'm worrying.

I wish you all love, peace and happiness.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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