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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-02-12 - 8:59 a.m.

Nervous Wednesday

I'm nervous today, so be on the lookout for lots of updates and posts and the like. You've been fairly warned so I am absolved of any blame (okay, not any blame, just some blame); but you get my point.

I got my hair cut last night. Just a trim, only about an inch or so is gone.. but at least I can bruch and comb my hair without the "Owww" and expletives. She also gave me a few pointers on more attractive and professional ways to wear long hair, which was very nice. She also saw me on very short notice. This lady knows hair. For the past year, she has been the only one I ever let near my hair with a pair of scissors. After I'd paid her, she then did the cursed... "do you know what would really make things look nice..." and she glanced at a pot of greenish wax. The last time I was there she had offered me an eyebrow waxing and I said no because I was in a hurry. Last night, other than dinner, I had no where I had to be and it would only take 5 minutes. I really had nothing to lose. I sat down in the chair and leaned back and closed my eyes. The warm wax was really soothing, and the strip she applied wasn't bad either, but oh my GOD, when she ripped it off it felt like she was pulling skin off! I yelped like a little scalded dog and of course she giggled (I think she's a closet sadist). We went through this several more times and by the time it was over, the air was blue with cursing (mine) and giggles (hers). By the time it was over, the area around my eyebrows was red and not happy, my eyes were watering and it felt like my face was in revolt... but damn I looked good! I got home and my love looked at me sideways and all he'd say is "you look different.. I don't know why, but you do." After a bit, I told him what I'd had done and he shook his head. After a bit he came back with a "ya know, you really look good with two eyebrows! (there's a compliment in there somewhere, I'm almost positive!) :) I got the rest of my stuff together for today and then spent the event putzing around. I like putzing around... it's SO much fun. No one expects any progress when I putz.

We got an early Valentine's Day gift last night. My love had time between appointments yesterday and went to my favorite store (Bed, Bath and Beyond). He found a feather mattress topper. It's about three inches thick and it's soft as a cloud. We flipped the mattress, rotated it, put the topper on and then clean sheets. I sat down in the middle of the bed and now I know what if feels like to be cradled. That's how it felt all night... like I was cradled on a cloud. It was a yummy Valentine's Day gift, that's for sure!

Today is the day. I have my appointment at 4:00. I'm not completely "dolled up" but I'm close. I brought all the stuff I need to complete the look, but I don't want to spook where I work now. I hope everyone keeps their fingers crossed for me and hope the news is good. We could certainly use some good news around here.

Last Chance is coming along pretty well, we've got our staff together and the site, now we need to get the event form in. It shouldn't be that difficult. I get to run the Canton meeting this weekend. It's been a while and oh crap... I forgot to call Clelia last night...crap crap crap. I knew there was something I was forgetting! It's been a while since I actually ran a meeting, but it's not anything earth shattering or nerve wracking. We're all friends; that makes it easier.

I'm making and decorating a sheet cake for the meeting for the belated birthdays and the Feb. Birthdays....Devil's Food with colored icing.... ummm it just occurred to me... I need colors. Geee... a trip to Michaels... oh the horror! The inhumanity of it all! So that's two things I need to remember!

Does anyone know how the "command" to underline words in html? I can't remember.

I should go... I'll add more later, I'm sure.

I'm back... Is it just me, or does American television commercials lack something.... something like, oh say ingenuity? I mean.. shessh... how often can you see 10 different SUVs climb through a dense forest; or see 5 different people talk about their bodily functions (or problems with said function)? Last night I was watching the Bruins play Montreal and it was on Canadian television and I have to say that the commercials I saw were a LOT more interesting to watch and held my interest far longer than anything on Amercian television has for a long time. Here's an example... One was for a caffeine bar to replace coffee. One clip showed a man at a ball game with hot coffee; his team scores and he stands up to cheer, spilling coffee all over himself. The next clip is a man sitting at his desk, he open the top right drawer and you see this pool of black with pens and the like swimming in it. He grabs a cup and scoops up some coffee out of the drawer. The catch phrase was something like "when your lifestyle isn't suited to regular coffee" The hot coffee at the game was something we could identify with and the coffee in the drawer was enough of an eye catcher to stick with me. Now, if you ask me what the product was, I'll have to kill you. I realized that it wasn't for sale in the U.S. so I promptly forgot what it was.. but I'm sure you can see my point. They also had a really great advertisement on second hand smoke. The only issue was it played like 14 times a row. I hate overuse of commercials. I wish there was a law that says they can only be played like once an hour. If you want one every 10 minutes, then you need to come up with 6 different commercials. I know it would never fly, commercials are expensive. I used to like cable and satellite tv because they didn't use to have advertisements. Well, they do now. Everything from pasta pots with strainer holes in the lid to Songs of the Dairy Farmer.

Yes, I'm nervous and I have random neuron firings all over the place... why do you ask?

I've got about 14 minutes til I leave here for my appointment and the nervousness is mounting. I've double and triple checked everything and all but my hair seems to be working... what is it with my hair it NEVER does what I want it to. I should have gone with my first instinct last night and just shaved it all and bought a wig. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Keep me in your thoughts, folks....this is really important!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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