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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-02-09 - 8:12 a.m.

Ymir--Life is good (but COLD!)

If I needed one word to describe the first fighting event of the year it would be cold. Not just chilly, not just brisk... but cold. I spent most of the day not being able to feel my toes and the rest of me pretty chilled to the bone when we got home.

My love fought rapier and had a good time. He's getting better and better all the time. He was told by one person (a yellow scarf) that his fighting has improved. I saw it myself. I told him so last night. He made me proud. He didn't win all of his fights and he didn't win the tournament, but he did well and made me proud.

Then there was the knighting of someone I don't know very well, but I consider to be a friend Andrew. He was put on vigil on Friday night; and knighted on the field on Saturday. We weren't able to afford to be there for the vigil, and since we're not peers, the chance we would have had an opportunity during his vigil was between slim and none. Andrew is a great person and a very good fighter. He most definitely deserved the accolate and the elevation. Vivat SIR Andrew!

I know that there were other Peerage ceremonies going on, but that was the one I was there to see.

I decided to wear a set of hand me overs from a good friend. She gave me a black corduroy sideless and a red undertunic (as well as a green one). Lemme tell you, that woman's sewing skills are impeccable! It took me several minutes to determine right side out from right side in on the underdress. It all fit wonderfully and I felt like a queen in some very regal clothes. Thank you Eadan! :)

I also worked on my hair a bit.. I put it in ponytails on each side of my head (it reminded me of my first grade picture), then I braided each of them, pulled them up and over the top of my head and secured them with LOTS of clips; then for a final touch, I added a veil I had hurriedly serged the night before. The veil was held down with no less than 27 straight pins (okay, that's an exaggeration, there were only four). But the effect was what I wanted. While I believe I mixed periods (I was wearing early period) with what I think is a late period hair-do, it still worked and had the added bonus of keeping the cold away (did I mention it was cold?!)

I also found a few dollars and bought a new court toy.... and if anyone went shopping, I'm sure they could figure out what it is I bought. I am the proud owner of a very tiny inkle loom. It's on a board with an extension that you hold between your knees and weave on. And it really works! From what I understand, it was all the rage at Gulf Wars. Well it has to do with string, so I wanted it. We came home, went out to dinner, came back home and I pretty much got right to work figuring out how to warp it (which I managed to get right the second time around.)

I got to spend a few moments with Baroness Isobel (she really is a nice, sweet lady who has impeccable fashion sense. She loaned me a couple of hairbows and then critiqued a shirt I made for my love that "wasn't quite right". I now know what's wrong and version two will be much better thanks to her!

I had a lovely time talking with Countess Bera about weaving (inkle and card) and shopping and most of all spending time with our Aethelmarc friend, lady Elizabeth. Events are always better when she's around. She's just the icing on the cake.

As per usual, we managed to over pack on food, and as is our way, we were offering food to practically anyone who passed by; friend and new friend alike. I think that's one of the best parts of events for me. Sharing what I have.

I got to see a friend get knighted, see other people we hadn't seen in a while, share our food, talk, rekindle friendships, freeze my patootie off and buy something neat to play with during court... life is good!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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