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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-02-07 - 10:45 a.m.

My Shelf

I'm at work, the appointment this morning went well... I may have a follow up in about a week. That's about all I can say on it at this point.

The snow wasn't anything to really write home about. By the time I got up and moving, it was all pretty much gone. The roads are clear and there's very little if any to freeze on the roads... Oh what I wouldn't give for a few days of snowbound goodness, provided of course, that I have enough string on hand :)

Plans for Ymir are shaping up rather nicely (providing we have chairs). We have some shopping to do tonight, and a house to straighten (I'm hoping my love will get some of that done today while I'm slaving away for "da man".

The cough still lingers, but otherwise, I think I'll live.

Drive safely Everyone! See ya'll at Ymir! We'll be the wandering nomads without a home.

Dame Anne asked a question about a week or so (maybe more); about what would be on our bookshelf...after much thought, here's my answer:

1. Emily Post's Book on Etiquette. I always feel so backwards, but I'm learning to trust what I know to be right (but it always pays to have reference books).

2. All Creatures Great and Small. I love animals... sometimes more than humans.

3. Algebra I textbook...for when I think I know everything.

4. A small cross stitched wall hanging in an easel frame that says "Please be patient, I'm a work in progress", well, because I am.

5. A small porcelain unicorn. That's my "totem" of sorts. I've loved them since I was a small child...I still believe in unicorns.

6.A small rough-hewn wooden heart, smooth on one side, still rough on the other... My heart has been so hard at times the edges would cut, but I'm learning to round the edges smooth with forgiveness.

7. My wedding ring. That's the best part of my life. He is my true love and is as much a part of me as anything else on my shelf.

8. The Holy Bible. There is still a large part of me that believes in things unseen.

9. Introduction to Weaving by Deborah Chandler. Another referene book, for the creative side of me that knows I can make beautiful things when I really want to.

As you can see, my shelf isn't just books, it's other things that are important to me too, that tell a lot about me, that in some ways defines who I am, and more importantly, how I see myself these days. I guess my bookshelf is more of a room than just one shelf :)

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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