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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-02-04 - 9:19 a.m.

Much Ado About Nothing

Tuesday. Only three more days left in the week after today. Yeah, I know that's a no brainer. I'm in a blah mood today. I think it's the weather. It's kinda chilly and rainy; that always seems to cast a pall on the rest of the day.

Not much else going on. I'm kinda working on keeping my head down and getting things done that I need to have done.

My love has decided to pursue a teaching career. I'm ecstatic for him. I want him to do something he think he'll enjoy. Life is too short to be "stuck" with something you hate, and you're there only for the paycheck. It will mean a cut in pay for us, but it's nothing we can't handle.

I just found out that another of my resume's that I sent via email isn't readable. I sent it as a word doc, but the receiver can't read it. That's two. I sincerely hope my word program at home isn't having an issue. That would suck.

I'm tired. I slept last night, but for some odd reason, my body is acting like I need about 8 more hours. It's ashame I won't get to that until bedtime tonight. I've got a bit of work to do at home tonight to get the house ready for us to go to Ymir and for the Heralds to come on Sunday.

Sphygo goes back to the vet to get his ears re-checked. I'm sure everything will come out fine and wonderful. He's acting more like his normal self these days. I also noticed something last night. When we first got him, he wouldn't leave the room without us, he really wouldn't get more than about 3 inches away from human contact (unless he was eating and even then, he was constantly checking on us). Last night, he was laying on the bed in our bedroom quietly chewing on a toy. He was in there for a good hour or so. He's finally feeling secure enough to not have to physically touch us or constantly check up on us all the time. That's great news. He's also not a barker. The only time he really barks is if he sees something outside beyond the fence in the backyard, or if Honey barks (now *she* is a barker.). If he barks with Honey, it's only one or two half woofs and that's about it.

He's also started "talking". If he needs to go out and you aren't paying him attention, he'll try to vocalize. It's really hard to describe. It's something between a bark and a whine; and it's really obvious that he's trying desperately to tell you something he thinks you should know.

Honey is her usual happy and cheerful self, except when she's not. The cats, well, they're cats.

I dyed my hair last night and put in a few minutes trying different hair styles for the SCA. One was with braids and I ended up looking like a swedish maid off to milk the cows (Gorm got a nice chuckle).

I think I'll bring the digital camera and take some pictures of some folks' hair; so I can work up something useful for me. I want something that I can fasten a veil to and not have it look like the front of a toupee in a windstorm. I'm considering braid cases...We bought some hair gel last night.. it's got an "8" out of 10 on the hold-ability scale (whatever that means). I considered a "10" but I had visions of my hair either being plastered to my head, or standing straight up as if each strand were a board, then breaking in half in a slight wind. I've never used the stuff, so this should be more than just a little interesting. If ya'll have any tips, I'm all ears!

Also on a completely unrelated note... anyone know where you can buy the two part rivets (large or medium size)? We're redoing Gorm's coat of plates and we need rivets to attach the plates to the coat (it's a definitional thing). We found one piece rivets, but those don't look like they'd work.

Okay.. time to either get to work or slink off someplace for a nap (yeah, I know.. work is the preferred choice).

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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