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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-01-16 - 9:49 a.m.

Diverging and Convergning Paths! YEAY!

I had a really wonderful growth experience last night.

I read Dame Anne's diaryland post yesterdat about paths separating and hopefully recrossing at some point, and I filed it away as food for thought. Last night, I went home and had to make a few calls. One was to an old friend to find out about her wedding plans. It had been forever since we spoke. I figured she probably wouldn't return the call, but I would make the attempt... and to my amazement, she called me back in less tan 30 minutes. We spent the next three hours talking!

I'm so happy about it, I could just explode! (but I won't, otherwise, there'd be little Lady Rhiannon parts everywhere and it would be a huge mess).

I believe I mentioned to all ya'll that a friend of mine I haven't talked to in a LONG time emailed me that she was getting married. I was able to track her down last night and we spent HOURS on the phone catching up. It was as if that wide gap of time had never happened. We talked like the last time we spoke was yesterday.

She told me all about the too-good-to-be-true man in her life and I shared about my life and my love.

We discussed our combined past, our not to entertwined present and a hope re-entertwining of our lives in the future.

I was amazed at how easy it was to just pick up were we left off. I had no right to expect anything from her after so long, but I received such a warm welcome it was like a cool drink of water after a long trek through the desert.

I'd forgotten how alike and how different we are. We used to joke that we were sisters separated at birth, and ya know, even 5 years later; it's the same way.

I'm concerned for her, that she may be plunging into this new marriage (she's known him for two months) a bit quickly, but I figured that she probably had enough people naysaying her decision. The only advice I could give her was that if he made her happy, then she should grab for the happiness, and *should* things not work, I would be there, like I always have been.

She said she'd been listening to her other friends, but at the same time she felt confident in her decision. I'd be worried if she wasn't confident. She is one of the most confident people I've ever met.

She and I have always had a "fat butt" type of relationship (the kind of relationship when you can be brutally honest with the other person and it's taken as honesty, not criticism.

I told her that while I was concerned, I could tell she was happy and that she should tell her other friends she was grateful for their concern, but she would also like their support. She laughed and said "that's probably the main thing I've always loved about you.. You have ALWAYS been supportive regardless of how the decision turned out. Not once in 20 years have you EVER said "I told you so".

He makes her happy, that's all I care about. In the past 5 years, she's had a LOT of loss, she deserved happiness, and I really really hope she has it.

It's been a long time since I've prayed, but if anyone deserves one, she does.

Thank you for bringing my "sister" back into my life. Thank you for giving her a reasonably happy life in the midst of the turmoil she's been through in the past few years. Thank you for letting me hear the happiness and her voice for the first time in a long time. I want the best for her. I want her to have what I have, but in her own fashion.

I intend to make sure she doesn't get lost again. You don't find friends like her every day.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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