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2002-12-23 - 10:42 a.m.

Christmas is tomorrow night!

Here is my entry for today. I posed some pictures and a few words about each one earlier today. If you want to see those click here

We had a pretty good weekend, all things considered. On Friday, we decided NOT to go to a friend's Christmas party on Saturday evening and just relax and enjoy the weekend, which is just what we did, well... sorta.

I had to work a few hours on Saturday morning, so I made it a point to be in at 7:30Am and out by 11:30AM. I then picked up my love and we hit the stores for our last minute Christmas presents.

We arrived home in time to drop off the presents, make sure the dogs got outside and for me to shower and change. Then it was out to Sagebrush for some wonderful prime rib then to the movie theater to see LOTR: Two Towers.

The movie was pretty good, but like AoD, I kept thinking about Empire Strikes back. It just had that feel. I did manage to get into the movie and it was a real blast. I like those kinds of movies. The ones that grab you from the beginning and take you on a ride for several hours and leave you feeling like you were the one running through the forest. It was a good ride and very well done. I think I wouldn't have liked it as much had I read the books. I guess I'm not "intellectual" enough to slog through them. I'm content with the movie (wow! That's the first time I've EVER said that!)

We came home to find the back door open and Sphygo was no where to be found. He had "let himself in" and managed to get himself locked in our bedroom. We let him out then realized that one of our cats, Clawed was missing. We literally tore the house apart trying to find him, but it was to no avail. My love and I were upset with worry that he might be outside. I looked outside in the dark with a flashlight, but no Clawed. By now, it was midnight and I was exhausted. I crawled my weary body into bed and proceeded to try to sleep with one ear tuned to the slightest "meow" just in case. Sphygo, on the other hand, knew he had done something bad. He slinked into his crate and proceeded to go to sleep. Tessa had started the Clawed search (she can't sleep until she can see him in the same room with her). Honey was just in her usual own little world and ready to sleep. My love, on the other hand, was convinced he wasn't going to sleep at all. He decided to go check behind the dryer one more time. Not finding anything, he stared out the back door hoping to find a glimpse of Clawed. What he saw was two very LARGE gold eyes looking back at him. It was Clawed! He opened the door and Clawed came sauntering in. He picked him up and hugged him tight then brought him to me for more hugging and cuddling. We were SO relieved, it wasn't funny.

Sunday dawned fairly brightly and we decided to go have some lunch and then play a few practice bowling games. It was fun, and I got a chance for my love to give me some more pointers as well as try a heavier ball (I've now graduated to a 9 pounder). It worked much better! My score was still half of his, but it was still better, regardless.

After that, it was a trip to the Home Depot for supplies for a gate for the back deck (to keep Sphygo from shredding the siding and weather stripping as well as letting himself in un-authorizedly while we're out) and for a ratchet strap for the diamond plated "truck trunk". We emerged from the Home Depot victoriously and went home to get started on the projects. We finished both projects in about an hour and then spent another half hour or so in the back yard playing "fetch/catch/chase" with Sphygo. We brought Honey out too, but all she wanted was to be held and loved on, so to each their own.

Last night found me working on laundry, while working on the Canton newsletter and a new geocities webpage while my love and Sphygo watched the Patriots lose to the Jets. It's just not their year. Hrmm.. maybe they need His Drewness back?? The newsletter is ready to be pdf'd and copies made to be mailed out. (It needs to be mailed out within the next few days. Thankfully, it's really only 4 pages at this point, and only needs to be mailed to like 4 people so that's "envelope and stampworthy".

This morning, I was able to laze in bed until 6:30... what a christmas present, Thank you Sphygo. Of course, the morning went downhill from there. I was sitting at my computer this morning checking the temperature to see what to do with Sphygo when something caught my eye. Tessa was walking around with something hanging out of both sides of her mouth... she'd found a mouse, and it was still alive. She'd take a few steps, it would wiggle slightly. She'd stop in her tracks, give it a whack with her paw and keep walking. She'd get to an uncluttered area of carpet and let it go so she could chase it a bit more. Had she killed it, I would have disposed it, but I won't have her playing with her food. I found a metal bucket and a notepad and captured the mouse. Tessa was NOT happy. I put the upside down bucket and pad in our bedroom so I could finish getting dressed and take it out. I put my clothes on the bed and noticed a puppy up near the head of the bed, leaning against my pillow with a "Mommy I'm sowwreeee" look on her face. She had had an upset tummy...all over my comforter... sigh.... so it all went to the tub for a handwashing, then immediately to the washer with lots of soap, hot water and oxy-clean. Hopefully, her tummy problem was over. Not to be gross, but it looked like she'd eaten tinfoil.. that would certainly upset a tummy. After all of that, we had to take the trash to the curb, so needless to say, we made it into work rather late this morning (about 30 minutes, which can be made up during lunch, thankfully).

There's no bowling league tonight, so tonight is getting the house in shape for our housesitter, getting the list of stuff to know ready for her and doing laundry and packing.

I'm finally getting excited about Christmas. For once, I've not snooped at all, no present shaking, no using a razor to slit the tape to check out the cool stuff, none of it. I'm trying to wait my turn, even if it won't be til after 4PM on Christmas day (Mom's working the 6:00 to 3:30 shift at the hospital). I can't guarantee there won't be present shaking then, though.

I've been told not to get my hopes up for the Serger, which is a bummer. My mother in law got confused about what we were going to use it for (I think he was thinking I was going to try to use it to make another canvas pavilion... my love set her straight on that one... no more pavilions... ever!) That was the one thing I really really really wanted, but oh well, such is life. Maybe this way, I'll get the one I want, not the one someone else thinks I want. There are good sides to everything!

I'm vaguely concerned that we haven't heard from our house sitter. She's been in Texas for the past few weeks, due to come home tomorrow and get to our house AFTER we're scheduled to leave for PA. If she doesn't show up (she's usually incredibly punctual and if she says she'll be there, she will be), but I'm still wary of trusting someone to do what they say they will. This one's important. This is a leap of faith, I guess.

Also, I've been told that the day after Christmas, I'll be busy. No hints and no clues, other than I don't need to bring anything special and I don't need to dress up. Who knows what's in store for me. Hopefully it doesn't involve a big burlap sack, some rope and a huge rock!

I'm going to try to update here tomorrow before we leave, since we won't get back here until Saturday sometime.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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