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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-12-09 - 1:17 p.m.

The Christmas Spirit is COMING!

Well, if no one else is going to update their diary, I will.

Yesterday was a very long day. The dog seems to do okay at night for about two days at a time.... or to be more accurate, on the second night, he decides he's not having any of it.

I spent Saturday night until 3:30 on the sofa. Sphygo wanted absolutely nothing to do with sleeping.. he'd been in his cage during the day and wanted nothing more than to PLAY. At 3:00a.m. he was still his playful self, and I was dead.

I ended up stuffing him in his crate and I just went to sleep. I woke up again at 5:30; because he HAD to go out. I took him out and then I decided we needed new curtains on the french doors and I was in a mood to be creative... about three hours later (it took me a while to hunt up the fabric I wanted (thanks Sarna!) We had a set of cow-fabric flannel curtains in the dining room. They are taut and they look good, if I do say so myself!

The onto the next project. We got the lucet cord I made dyed, but it came out a VERY light yellow for some reason, definitely NOT the antique yellow I had hoped for and followed the directions so closely for. But it would work none-the-less. I sat down with a needle and some of the BAC pavilion thread that we can never figure out what to do with and started hand stitching the trim on the neckline (in the "ditch" as the quilting term says). Instead of just one "line" of trim, I looped it back on itself and then spaced them as carefully as I could. My love thinks it looks nice, and I have to agree with him... it dresses up the neckline quite well, all things considered. I have to do that to the sleeve ends and then hem the bottom of the dress and I'm done. Not bad for an event that's this coming weekend... I have PLENTY of time.. I've got Wednesday, part of Thursday and Friday (all evenings)... no sweat...

I've also got the other thing to work on, and then on Sunday after the event, I'm going to start baking.

I decided that I'm going to do whatever it takes to get into the Christmas Spirit.. within reason of course.

It's not about the prezzies, it's about letting the people you love and care about know you love them and why.

On another note, I had a wonderful brunch with a friend of mine from South Carolina (and the rest of her incredible family). It was so nice to meet them finally. They are everything she says about them and so much more. It's no wonder she's so proud of her family.

It's amazing how a simple thing like sitting down to eat with someone reminds you of things life has a way of covering with the day to day experiences of life.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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