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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-06-28 - 9:06 a.m.

the dog, a liripipe, the house, not in that order

Today is THE day... closing day... and it's in about three hours or so, depending on when you read this (if it's before noon that, is).

Yep, I'm nervous, excited and scared witless, but it *is* the right thing to do. It's just the realization of a dream of mine is finally coming true. When I lived with my parents, I couldn't wait to move into an apartment. Once I got there, the realization of life in an apartment sucked and I couldn't wait to rent a house. Once I got the taste of life in a house, in my OWN house, I realized that I loved it and wanted more of it. I wanted to OWN this house.

Many of your know that when we first got a look at this house before we even decided to rent it, I wanted this house. It was the house I'd spent years dreaming about.

Even though it's starting to show not quite three year old wear; it's still the house of my dreams....

Now the dog, on the other hand, nearly had her life taken last night. She believes there is something in the gas log that she has to have, so we THOUGHT she'd been just sniffing around the "fireplace", while I was sewing ( made a liripipe hood out of thin broadcloth, it's my first one and it's not perfect (thank you Theodora!!!!!)and my love was working on Herald stuff in another room. We were so SADLY mistaken. That sweet little dog of mine had been trying to dig up the carpet. I found it when she hit subfloor and I heard a very weird dog nails on wood sound and decided to see what she was up to. To say I was upset would be a massive understatement. I haven't been that upset at her since she ate my computer when she was a puppy. She's a 14 pound dog... she's not supposed to be that good at digging! So now we've got a 6" x 12" piece of carpet in the living room in front of the gaslog to replace and I'm considering using dog fur.

I know how to replace it, and I will, first I have to decide if I should glue it or nail it (the carpet, not the dog, although the idea is intriguing).

So today, she's contemplating life behind a gate in the kitchen... which she'll be getting used to for the rest of her normal natural life when we have to leave the house or when we can't watch her 24/7.

I'm not going to have the house destroyed by a little munchkin-dog on a rampage.

I'll have to post a picture of my "dog from hell" so you can see how fierce and mean she really is.

Anyways, it's now down to T minus 2 hours 44 minutes and counting. This is going to be a LONG two hours.

Take care folks and maybe I'll see some of you at the Caer Mear event this weekend.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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