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2002-06-26 - 10:59 a.m.

The shoe has fallen

so, to answer BlackBear's question... of what have I learned today... well, I learned that it pays to be over-anal and check up after people to be sure they know what the heck they're doing.

I should probably start at the beginning. We've been trying to close on a house for oh, about two months now.... now that the date is getting close (friday, to be exact); the other shoe has dropped.

The ignorant people we hired to do our well certification didn't do all the testing they should have and now we're in danger of not closing on Friday. We need 4 tests done in order to get our HUD/FHA loan. They did two tests, just the WRONG two tests. We still need the 4. When we originally hired them, we told them we needed well testing for an FHA/HUD loan. They assured us they knew what we needed and all would be well. Not knowing any better, we trusted them, and it looks like they screwed up. We've tried calling the lab they farmed the test out to, and there's no answer. We called our lawyer, and he's out and his secretary was on the phone, we've called the State DEQ to see where else we could get it tested, the person who has the list was out, his secretary would "research it" and call us right back. We've tried calling every other number we can find related to water testing and we keep getting answering machines and other brick walls. We even followed a link to a local hospital's lab (they do water testing, but not the kind we need). The jerks who originally tested the water tell us it takes a minimum of three days to do the tests we need and they can't get to it until July 8th because they're closed next week and have a backlog til then.

Am I pissed off? Royally.

Is there anything I can do? No. That's what sucks

I've been working on this little problem I have... I tend not to delegate things to other people because I'm convinced that if I don't follow them around every minute something will screw up. Everytime I let something out of my hands, this happens. I keep trying and trying and trying to let other people do things and this is what happens. I tend to call and check up on things I hire other people to do. I drive them nuts with my questions and overseeing, but it usually gets me a group of people that are upset with me, and think I'm a fruitcake because I heck things over and over and over, especially when it's important. This time, someone said they knew what they were doing, and we let them do it. Now look at what happened.

On a side note, in case ANYONE thinks I'm railing at my love or anything he did, fear not. This most assuredly isn't Gorm's fault, and I don't think for even a split second that it is. It's the water testing company's ineptness. We told them upfront we had no clue and they assured us they knew what they were doing. They lied to us and then sent us a $125 bill to pay them for their stupidity. In the words of someone, "not gonna happen".

Okay... so the shoe has fallen, the question is... can we fix it in time?

I am fit to be tied, and I want someone's head on a plate. Not just anyone, but the RIGHT someone's head. As soon as I find out WHO that is, I'll work on getting it. Right now, I have to get back to work, which right now, I wish I could leave, drive to the lab office and in my own "southern tradition voice" make them talk to me.

Stay tuned campers, we'll keep you updated. If you hear of a murder in the hopewell/dinwiddie/petersburg area, and it happens to be the head of a water testing facility, you don't know anything, okay?

to Update We've managed to find another water testing company that will run the necessary tests on our water and get the results within 24 hours to the mortgage company. So the shoe may have fallen, but we've managed to pick it back up and send it sailing down the throats of the first water testing company. My love has left to go get the water sample and deliver it to where it needs to go. The results will be faxed by noon tomorrow, and all will be well. We now return you to non-panic mode. "Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out... SLOWLY SLOWLY; remain calm....focus.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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