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2002-06-25 - 10:10 a.m.

Minilino, blossoms, 2 more pounds!

The minilino is now about half finished. I put the three wall segments together, I have two doors to add and attach the whole thing to the roof. Then work on the other side. So I guess it's really more like 3/4 done. That's good! It'll be done before Pennsic and still leave me plenty of time for garb sewing.

I finally have blossoms on one set of my morning glories. Out of the ones I planted in the window box that is currently on the back porch, I've got three whole blooms, a light pink, a dark pink and a purple. They're beautiful! The plants have taken off and have taken to climbing up the porch railing, which I don't mind in the slightest. I might start some more out there and just have them trailing all over the deck railing. I think that would be cool and some nice color out there, other than brown and green.

The ones in the planter are currently in the house. I think they got scorched by the sun and too little water. The previous person living in the house put the planter hangers in a really weird place, they can be watered by a human, but because of the overhang of the front porch and the gutters, they never get any rain. (It took me a while to realize this). But one of our cats thinks they're incredibly tasty, but it doesn't agree with his stomach unfortunately. (ICK!)

The lawn still needs work, we have to take the lawnmower to a small engine repair shop, something isn't "catching" when we try to start it. We've changed the spark plug, but it's still no go.

Tonight is dinner with a friend then to fighter practice to work on my bobbin lace. I'm in the midst of "baby heather" and even though it's small and delicate, it's really bugging me. I can do about an inch and then something weird happens and it all goes to heck in a handbasket. I'm not ready to give up on it yet, though. I'll get it, it will just take time.

No word from her Majesty yet, so I'm going to assume she still wants me to help out at Pennsic and work towards making that happen.

The best news is, I believe I've lost another 2 pounds! That's a total of 14 pounds so far... YEAY ME! It's coming off slowly, and I think watching what I eat is helping. I'm making better food choices, I think. I'm not perfect, and I'm a slacker sometimes, but the results are making me more determined. I have this big handwritten "2" plastered to the bottom half of my computer. It's an ugly green, but it reminds me of my weekly goal. I had originally hoped for 30 to be gone by Pennsic. I'll be happy with 20. That's a great start; only 6 more to go in about 6 weeks. I can do this!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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