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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-06-21 - 10:18 a.m.


We're now exactly 7 days and two hours before we close on the house. I'm not nervous about the money at all, we've got that covered. I'm nervous about the next 30 or so years of doing yard work, home repairs, cleaning and the like. I know it'll be okay, I just worry about the weird stuff.

I went "shopping" at to see what they have in the way of linen or linen blends. I still can't bring myself to spend $4 a yard for fabric for a dress. Yep, I'm cheap! I don't feel that my sewing skills are good enough for "expensive" fabric, and I don't want to spend $40 on 10 yards of fabric (and shipping costs) just to have it end up in the scrap heap, yanno?

Yep, it's a self-confience issue. I know that, I just don't know how to get past it. I want to look nice and I'm tired of the undertunic/cyclas look (it never was comfy or "me"--I always feel like a sack of potatoes in them); but at the same time, I'm kinda fearful of using anything other than the $1 a yard bin.

Major house cleaning happens tonight. We're having some friends come over around lunchtime tomorrow to pick up their bird and they're brining a rotisserie chicken and pictures of their honeymoon. I'd like the house to be fairly comfy and neat, not spotless (but that wouldn't be bad either); also next weekend is the Herald's meeting, so I'd like the house to get clean and stay that way or at least have a good jumping off point for cleaning.

Hopefully this is the last time I have to do this much cleaning... maybe if I'm good and we have the funds Karen can come back... I'm optimistic but not overly hopeful.

This week has been rather rough, and I'm glad it's over.... I've been working fairly hard and work, but it's all drudgery-type work. I get home and wait for dinner, eat, then fall asleep until like 10:30 or 11:00. Then I wake up and it's hard to get back to sleep. I have no real clue why this is happening, but I need to make it stop, I've got too much to do to sleep my evenings away. With the overtime they're asking for, it's either work late in the evenings (my love can't make it in to work any earlier and we carpool); or work on Saturdays. Saturdays is right out, but when I work late, I get home and I'm exhausted. I gotta figure something out. This can't be good for my diet. I mean, I'm eating within my points, but the eating-then-going-straight-to-sleep can't be healthy.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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