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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-06-14 - 10:18 a.m.

Friday Ramblin's

Today is a half day here at work, but we've got a mandatory picnic we have to go to this afternoon. It's at a Dude Ranch just outside of Richmond. Should be mildly entertaining.

Last night, we went to the Home Despot and bought a large metal garden cart to help haul our stuff around at Pennsic and at events like Highland River (when you can't actually drive on site and have to haul it all in and out yourself). The sides and front and back fold down and you can pull 1000 lbs (if you know someone who can pull that much). Yeah, it's metal and it's green, and it doesn't look at all medieval, but I'm sure we can cover it with something and no one will care, or if they do, they'll get over it.

I got my inkle loom warped again for the present I was trying to make. It's not a perfect warp, and it took me about 2 hours to warp it, and another 45 minutes to work out the problems, but overall but I think it's beautiful. Now, if I can just get it finished... it's three yards, and I have it in the truck to take to the picnic this afternoon. Hopefully that will work.. it takes about 20 minutes or so (I don't really count the minutes) to do about 18 inches... I have a three and a half yard warp, so if my timing is right, it will work out quite nicely.

They want me to work this weekend.... I wish they'd tell me this earlier. I'm not going to, but it does mean that I should "volunteer" to work late in the evenings this coming week (til around 8:00 so sayeth the e-mail I just got); but since I've got a doctor's appointment next week, that could conceivably take several hours, this comes at the right time.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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