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2002-06-13 - 10:47 a.m.

Miscellaneous thoughts

I have so many thoughts rambling around in my head, I'm not sure which ones are going to fall out here, or in what order, so bear with me if they're not all that coherent or if they don't flow all that well.

Well, last night I tried to warp my inkle loom to make a gift for Her Majesty. It took me about 30 minutes to remember HOW to warp it, and when I finally got it all warped, the warp wouldn't advance and then as I was weaving, I noticed I had one black weft thread showing through... after ripping out the weaving I'd done, I discovered two heddles together (that's bad); so in frustration, I cut it off the loom, sanded and re-finished the pegs, but alas, there's not enough time to re-warp the loom and get 5 yards woven by Saturday so the gift I was planning will have to wait for another time.

As I warped my inkle loom, I kept taking wistful glances at my floor loom, wondering when I'm ever going to get to it. Right now, it's got like 6 yards of green and white string to be tablet woven for Rich, but there's a sewing machine and table sitting in front of it (and has been since April); we borrowed the machine to make the pavilions, but the machine couldn't get through two layers of fabric, let alone what it takes for a pavilion... so there it sits, out of the way, but also blocking the loom, but it's not like I have a lot of extra time right now to spend weaving anyways; and if I did have the time, I don't have the thread. I've seen a lot of nice patterns, but I'd basically have to go back to square one and re-learn what I knew.. it's been that long.

Yesterday marks 18 years since I graduated from high school. (No "yer old" jokes, please). I feel old. Ancient, even. I feel like a lot of the world has passed me by while I sat in offices and plodded away at pushing paper.

This morning as I was standing at the copier making copies, I looked out the window to my right and realized that when I first started working, I parked in the parking lot beside the building next to ours. I worked on the 14th floor of that building too. I worked there as a transcriptionist, which is sort of what I do here. Right now, I look at information and decide if the person sent in what's needed then write it down on a form that's been through about 100 revisions. Okay, so it's not the same, but it's still drudge work, just like the other job. I was kinda struck by how things have come full circle. I worked there before this set of buildings was even built.

Add that to the feeling ancient list.

Maybe I'm just tired, I had weird dreams of high school all night and I kept waking up. (Nope, high school wasn't a good time for me either...I'm not sure I know of many people who had a blast in high school. I still have dreams of being late to class, or forgetting my schedule, or locker combination, you know all the teenage angst things your mother warned you about.

As for the diet, it's going. Not well, but it's going. I keep meaning to slice myself some cheese as a snack (so I can have my "milk" for the day) but I keep forgetting.

Tomorrow afternoon is the company picnic, complete with a pool. One of the few times (if not the only time) during the summer when I get the chance to swim in a pool (I love pools and I detest the beach); and because of my health issues, I can't swim. That bites. I can sit on the edge and dangle my feet in, but it's not the same as being surrounded by cool, clear, clean water. Oh well, I'd probably look like a whale about to beach myself on a sandbar anyways. I guess I'll wait til next year.. hopefully I'll be smaller then.

The bright side is the event this weekend. I can't wait to see friends and have a good weekend (even if it is supposed to be 68 and scattered t-storms).

Sunday, we start cutting and sewing for the minilino.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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