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2002-06-11 - 8:51 a.m.

Oh To Fly! (No, Not on my broom---sheesh!)

Well, I have some news... at least it's news to me... we're going to Boston, well, close to Boston. We're going over the 4th of July weekend to surprise my love's Grandmother. The best part of this is, I get to fly (yes, in a plane, my broomstick is broken!). I've never flown before, so I'm reasonably excited. Also, this will be one of a few "vacations" that didn't involve a pavilion or tent and "weird" clothes. No one will ask us if we're in a play or working a Ren Faire.

Don't get me wrong, I really do like the SCA (moreso these days than in the past); but sometimes it's nice to not have to put up the "house" you'll be sleeping in.

On a different front, this past weekend was pretty busy and a lot got done. My love and I both now have banners. His is the way he registered his, mine is the way it's supposed to be instead of how it's registered.

I also finished the dress. We had a bright green fabric and did a tea bath to darken it a bit, however we forgot to figure in the chlorine in our water from the well test they did a few days before, and well, I've got an interesting marblized sort of tie-dye effect. To say it looks interesting would be an understatement... but it's finished and it's growing on me. The fact that it only took me a few hours to put it together makes me think it's not a true cotehardie, but ya know, there's a time for authentic, and there's a time to cover nakedidity and right now, the second one was the priority.

Tonight is the softball games (we actually won both of our games last week--against the weakest team in the league, but I'll take and enjoy the small victories too); Then I've got to warp my inkle loom for a special gift for someone at Highland River, providing I get a chance to see Her. As with all things, time will tell.

My mood is completely different from yesterday, and I'm thankful. I hate being in a foul mood and not being able to change it. I spent some time actually working and digging through some files, and gradually it lifted to a large degree. However, I still think my "children" are out to get me.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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