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2002-05-31 - 9:35 a.m.

More sewing--it'll be an ongoing topic for the summer

I did some work on a mock-cotehardie last night... I got the fitted portion down and I put some gores from the waist to the floor, basically using what I know from making my 10 gore. Tonight I'm going to try the sleeves and see what I get. Nope, it's not perfect, and I doubt if follows the grain and the bias like it should, but from 10 feet away so far, it doesn't look bad. Thankfully I'm making it out of muslin, so if it looks really awful, I haven't really lost much.

This weekend's chores are working on getting the house together for next week's LOI(it's a wreck!), the minimum wastage underdress and a new fighting shirt for my love. Now that he has the "rapier onesie" it's a LOT easier to make him stuff to wear for rapier fighting.

If my new danish bobbins should arrive, then I've got something cool to play with, if not, I've got enough sewing to get done. Maybe if I'm lucky, I won't be sewing garb the night before we leave for Pennsic.

And maybe if I'm *really* good, I can talk my love into some fabric when we go shopping this weekend (the Wal Mart $1 a yard bin is my friend!) Who knows, maybe that fabric I eyed two weeks ago is still there. Doubtful, but I can always hope.

My poor mom would just be beside herself if she could see me talking about sewing and fabric and the like... I hated sewing when I was younger. I don't particularly love it now, I consider it a necessary evil for something else I like to do.

Heck, I'm even learning to like camping.. (I think having a good sturdy pavilion is part of why I like it) now if I can only get a handle on this heat and feeling like a cat that's been given a bath against my will, I'll be fine.

Things with the house are going well. This coming week, the septic tank and the termite inspection happen. We've got to take the contract we signed with our landlord and the good faith money to our lawyer today. We've got to get a "picture" of our checking account proving we have the money needed for closing and send it to the mortgage company. The very last thing we've got to do is the water test. Once all that is done, and we sign the papers and hand them over all the money we own, it's ours.

After that PARTY!

Well, I guess I should get to work now, I've been kinda goofing off this morning.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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