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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-05-13 - 11:09 a.m.

Weekend... Where didst Thou Go?

I don't feel so good today. Probably too much weekend and not enough downtime (could also be that I forgot my glucophage this morning, so my blood sugar is doing really weird things (it's creeping up ever so slowly).

Anyways, I won't bore you with the "what I did over the weekend" stuff, you can read that on my love's page. The link I just tried to insert probably didn't work (it never does)... anyway it's gormofberra's page.

My Mother's Day... let's see, I spent it behind a sewing machine and in the company of friends, which was good. I was wondering how I was going to avoid the holiday and managed to do it quite effectively.

This week doesn't show too many signs of being any slower than last week was. We've got to take my sewing machine in to be fixed, we have a softball game tomorrow night, on Wednesday, we're moving a dead cat-killing file cabinet out of the old Golden Dolphin Room and Thursday we're putting up a bed in that room; Friday our friend Beth comes to work on on the wood and whatever we can get done fabric wise on her pavilion. It may not be done by Sapphire Joust, but we'll do our level best.

She leaves on Sunday, we've got a canton meeting Sunday evening, the Monday is practice, Tuesday is the ball game, Wednesday or Thursday we've got to pick up a friend at the airport and get ready for the event that coming weekend.

Gawd, I'm so tired, and there's no relief in sight. I could sit down and cry.

Tonight is supposed to be ball practice, but I don't think we're going. I need a couple of "recharge" hours. As it is, we won't get home til 7:00 and things at home are getting neglected because we're running out of time.

No, I'm not complaining, I just wish life would slow down just a hair so I could take a breath once ina while. I feel like I'm running from pillar to post, as the saying goes, putting out one fire, just in time to find another one. I hate it when life is like that.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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