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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-05-06 - 9:10 a.m.

A Discouraging Weekend

Well, the pavilion is... going. We've got one side sewn and we work on the other side this week. We did run into one problem that caused us some issues.... it seems that the top of the wall segments are about 3-4" larger than the roof seams. We're chalking it up to the unevenness of the canvas selvedge edges (sometimes it was 58 and a quarter, other times it was 60 (so sayeth my Love); and we measured from the outside IN, so that could affect the measurements, it's either that, or they didn't measure very well, and I KNOW better than that... but the next one we work on we'll measure the top of the wall segments before we sew them all together. But I swear that should this one have "problems" I'm never EVER making another pavilion as long as I live.

So that added to the difficulty about three fold (don't ask me how we fixed it, you don't really want to know, and I don't really want to tell you what we did).

We got the house presentable for the Heralds, and they came, moved filing cabinets ate lunch, had their meeting and ate dinner, departing the house around 8:00PM. I was more than tired, I was exhausted. Trying to keep 6 people on task is draining.

My weight appears to be creeping back up (sigh). That's what happens when a) I don't take my medicine like I'm supposed to, b) I don't keep a close watch on my BS like I've been told to and c) I'm so busy on weekends I feel like I don't have time to breathe, let alone make myself the "right" foods.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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