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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-04-12 - 12:46 p.m.


Well, I'm glad I'm not alone in my mood today, i seem to be in good company. I woke up this morning in a funk, probably due somewhat to a lack of sleep and knowing that I've got a LOT to do this weekend and the fact that this new medicine for the diabetes and PCOS is making me rather sick; but I can't not take it.

I had to curse at the bathroom scale this morning (well, not exactly curse, but a good swift kick was on my mind). You see, I'm rather obese and I'm at the top end of the scale we have.... so I don't think it's accurate. It CAN'T be accurate, if it is.. I really need to see a doctor because it says I've lost THIRTY (yes, that's right 30) pounds in the past two weeks. I am dieting, but to that extreme, and I've been having tummy trouble, but still, there are no outward signs I've lost 30 pounds.

I know my appetite is shrinking. I can't eat as much as I used to (which is good). Basically, I have 220 calories for breakfast, about 300 for lunch and somewhere around 1000 or so for dinner (to total to 2400 calories a day). The weird part is, I'm not hungry. There are some days I'm hungrier than others, but for the most part, it doesn't bother me (unless I am craving something like you wouldn't believe). The thing I'm trying to do is if I really *have* to have something, I have a LITTLE bit of it, so I don't end up making a pig of myself with it and suffering later.

*signaling a topic change*

As for the topic of religion in my Love's diary I can see his point, which is why I don't push even though I'd love to go to church with someone I know (believe it or not, I'm shy). I was raised by a very dominant father. You *had* to go to church unless you were dying. Period. I was forced to go to services for 14 years and when I became an adult, I opted out, so to speak. When i started to look into the Catholic religion and mentioned it to my sister, she didn't understand my reasons, but she did tell me not to force my Love into it with me, and she was right. It is his choice. I've had offers to go to Mass from another friend, but I have some concerns about it with that friend (more than one reason); and I don't feel comfortable going alone; so I'm kinda waiting for a bolt from the blue to tell me the time is right. I don't really know what else to do. I know the what to do's and what not to do's for a "non-catholic" at Mass, but I would feel so out of place by myself it wouldn't be funny.

So here I sit, still on the outside looking in, wondering what I'm waiting for. I'm such a chicken...

maybe I am sprouting those feathers after all.

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For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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