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2002-03-24 - 7:21 p.m.

*Positive* Changes

Well, it's now after 7PM and my new jo starts tomorrow. We've done about half of what we wanted to get done today; but that's okay. Those one day events kick butt sometimes.

I'm kinda nervous about starting a new job. It's a bit different than changing jobs within the state system. With a state job, once you're in the system, you don't really start over; you just kinda continue on with what you already know, you just report to a different place. You keep your vacation and sick time, and certain core things never change. This is starting over. I have it on a resonable authority that I'll be one of the oldest claims specialists there. If one of the people I interviewed with is my supervisor, then I'll be working for someone who looks to be about twelve to fourteen years old. When I accepted this job that I start tomorrow, I knew everything would change, and change is good, but it's still a bit scary. I'm going to be doing something I've never done before. To some degree I'll be using a lot of what I've learned working at other places, but it will still be different.

I've been peppering my love with questions about his office for the past two weeks, to try and get a handle on the office culture and politics; so far, it doesn't seem to be that difficult. The powers that be there know I'm related to him and everyone involved in my hiring knows, I'm not sure about the other specialists and what their thoughts are. Yep, my Love is a programmer and he works on the database that I'll be using, but that doesn't give me any special knowledge or anything (other than his group sometimes knows things sooner than the specialist group does). That shouldn't really affect me.

I guess I'm rambling out of nervousness and excitement. I've got my pictures ready for my desk, and there's nothing else to do but wait til 8:30 tomorrow and present myself for my first day of work and see how it goes. At this point, it's outta my hands to a point. I define how good of a job I do, and I hope I do what they hired me to do well, but time will tell.

In a way, I feel a bit like a failure for being laid off from the State, but that was their choice, not mine. All of that is over, and it's time to look forward to the future, which is really pretty bright.

I've got this new job, that will be a big positive change (I won't be doing budget work, nor will I be dealing with 100 of my closest non-friends on a daily basis. As the last one to be hired, I won't be expected to keep up after and cover for other people's mistakes (at least not right off the bat); it will be something new for me to learn in a much better environment for me.

We're in the process of gathering all the paperwork together for the mortgage we're trying for. The mortgage is looking positive, we're waiting to see what our landlord wants for this house. Depending on that, we'll either buy this one, or something else, but we'll finally own our own home, (well, the bank will, but you know what I mean); I've always hated renting it feels like we're pouring a great deal of money down the drain; and now we're at the point where we can finally put an end to that.

The third positive thing, is that I believe my Dr. has finally been able to put a diagnosis on what's going on with me, "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome" (also known as PCOS). It's the cause of my pain and other symptoms as well as the "real" reason we can't have a child of our own. If you want an explanation, e-mail me. I'm pretty certain that not everyone wants to know about my reproduction or lack thereof. The short version is, there is medication to re-start that part of me, so while there's still only a 30-70 percent chance we'll have a kid, at least it will fix my pain and other symptoms, which is the real bonus. Heck... it's only taken about 10 years to get this far... I'm a happy girl they finally got a name for this!

I'll let everyone know how my first day goes sometimes tomorrow evening (I'm not sure what internet access I'll have during the day, if any.. I know that AIM is out, and I'm hopeful for e-mail, but I have no clue.)

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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