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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-02-22 - 9:10 a.m.

Miscellaneous musings about nothing in particular.

I can say this without a fear of being wrong.. I'm dead dog without a doubt tired, and it's the weekend.

I've been having really weird dreams lately... poisonous frogs in my parents living room (I coudln't do anything but wait for them to leave) and a small child I was babysitting (that I'd never seen before) is playing and I look down and something and when I left my head, I feel warm damp air. I jump up and run after him and find out he's turned on the hot water to wash his hands! His hands were cold and wet, so there was no harm done; but it woke me up out of a sound sleep. Somewhere around 4AM I realized what they all had in common. They were both things that I had no real control over (they were after-the-fact things that I just had to find a way to deal with).

I don't do well in that sort of situation. I hate having to wait for resolution to things that I really have very little input into.

So I spent from about 4AM to 6:30 laying in bed, petting the dog, having a quiet conversation with myself, listening to my love snore quietly.

This whole lay off situation has occupied more of my brain than I originally thought. I've been really scatterbrained this past week. So far, i've lost a credit card, I've left my handspring visor at work twice (not a good move); I'll be talking to some one about a completely unrelated topic and suddenly I'll blurt out something about all of this and I know I've said that same thing before, but it just comes bubbling out of the blue.

I'm sure my friends and loved ones are getting tired of hearing me clear "old ground".

So, I'm tired, I've not slept well this past week. I've been sleeping at odd hours. Basically in the evenings, I'm asleep when I should be up and up when I should be asleep and still nothing's getting done.

So far, we've got 8 of the roof pieces cut out (we're doing the other 4 tonight); one of them is hemmed (and the sewing machine did a weirdness on that that has me a tad concerned); the pockets are made and both parts of the toggles are sewn. Basically all the pre-work is done, so maybe tonight or tomorrow we'll get into the "belly of the beast" and really start sewing.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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