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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-02-10 - 9:06 a.m.

Ymir--What a GOOD day!

I had a *great* day yesterday, and no I'm not being facetious. It was really cool. To start off with, we weren't planning on going at all until Friday morning. We were supposed to pick up a sewing machine on Saturday, but the lady who is lending it to us had a personal emergency she needed to tend to (and who could blame her, certainly not me!) so we rescheduled. Saturday morning we got up, packed up the truckand headed for the site in North Carolina (about an hour and a half from where we love). We got there a bit later than we had anticipated, so we missed first court. We found our friends and dumped our stuff nearby (which turned out to be behind another pavilion, so we couldn't see much of the fighting field; but we have a really nice hill to contend with.

Once court was over, folks started filling the site. According to the statistics gathered, there were 103 heavy fighters and something close to 70 rapier people, meaning there was close to 500 people on site! To say it succinctly... WOW!

I brought some of my inkle weaving and decided to put it into the A&S Display. I was really nervous, and unsure what to do, I wanted folks to see it and to give good helpful comments, but I was really nervous about having my work JUDGED. It's one thing for people to look at what you do, it's another for knowledgeable people to JUDGE what you do.

Once my weaving was delivered, I came back to our spot behind the pavilions and worked on a new piece of inkle weaving I'd warped last night. I worked on that throughout the day to hide my nervousness.

I stopped weaving when my Love asked me to come watch him fight in the round shield tourney. I picked up a bottle of water and a mug and walked over to watch. They did a bear pit for a warm up and he did reasonably well. Then the tournament started. As is per usual, he paid honor to the Queen and to the one he fights for (me). He gave me a bow and a sword salute and I blew him a kiss. Nope, it's not a big deal, but I've never really knew what to do when that's done. How am I supposed to react. Without thinking I did the first thing that came to mind :). He was out in the first round, but I was proud of him regardless. We sat there for a few minutes, then as I stood up I heard a very sweet southern voice calling my name. I turned around and saw who called me and I immediately hoped the earth would open and swallow me whole!.

There stood Dame Anne le Coeur and Atlantia's Princess... Princess Isabel! I stood there speechless as Dame Anne presented me to her Highness. All I could manage to squeak out was a "nice to meet you, Your Highness." Dame Anne mentioned to her Highness than when she comes to Caer Mear, she was sure I would be more than happy to assist her. I agreed with Dame Anne, but I'm sure I looked like such a goof! I was speechless and once they turned to move, I bolted for the safety of our little space behind the pavilion.

I went back to my weaving and watching the other people fight from my "safe spot". Little did I know how safe it was. I sit there and weave, not really paying much attention to what's going on around me, enjoying the warmth and sunshine of the day, when I see Dame Anne coming back to where I am (she had been sitting with all of us and left her basket with her keys back there); I thought she was by herself, I was wrong. Her Highness and her retinue followed close behind her! I jumped to my feet as soon as I saw her. She was very gracioius and bade me to sit back down to my weaving, commenting that she had invaded MY quiet space. I did a quick bow and did as she asked.

Thoughout the day, I continued to look for an opportunity to speak to Dame Anne privately. I wanted personally to thank her for the reposting of the article she wrote. I've read it several times since then, and it made absolutely great sense!

During the afternoon, Dame Anne sat with us and saw what I was weaving. She commented on it, but with my crappy hearing, I coudln't understand if she said she LIKED it, or if they were her colors.

Just after 4:00 I went to the A&S hall to pick up my entries (I decided to enter them for judging rather than "just" to display so I could get some helpful coments).

I picked up my entries, and while they didn't win (I doubt they even came close); I got three pieces of good advice from the judges, 3 pieces of booty, and an index card from someone I can't read who says they'd love to see more of my work! I was ecstatic! I was so happy I almost burst into tears. I was so terrified of what the judges might say that I almost sent my Love to pick up my entry. No guts, no glory, so I did it myself. I got to walk back from the A&S building with Baroness Rosine and she and I talked about an article she had with her on period inkle weaving patterns. She wanted to show it to me and I was so happy, in my heart I was skipping and doing handsprings. I immediately wanted to go show my Love my treasures. I felt like a little kid who found a really cool rock or a flower and had to show everyone! I was hard pressed not to stop strangers on the street and show them my good fortune. He was busy waiting to fight, but he took a few seconds to give me that warm smile he has and tell me he was proud of me. I floated back to our space to put my treasures away and there was Dame Anne. Here was my chance!

I babbled on for a second, showing her my collectoin of things and comments and she read the sheet and gave me a hug. I took a deep breath and asked her if I could ask her a question.. She said I could, and I asked her if she had said earlier than she liked the weaving I had done today or if the colors I used were her colored. She smiled and said both. I leaned down into my sewing box and picked up the finished trim. I handed it to her and told her what I'd been wanting to say all day. "Dame Anne, thank you for reposting the articule you wrote, I've read it many times, and it spoke to me." She looked rathe shocked, she huged me then smiled sweetly (can she smile any othe way?!); and said she truly believes what she wrote and that the best way to get recognition is to be happy because happiness brings it's own recognition. How right she was! She hugged me again and went on her way. She is SUCH a cool lady!

After the longest court in the world (it was only about two hours long, but it was cold as hell and the benches were hard, even if I do bring my own padding! An acquaintenance of mine got his Laurel, and someone else I know of got the non-pareil. There were office changeovers and AOAs, Golden Dolphins and a pearl I believe.) we all went to this little hole in the way place for pizza. The food wasn't all that incredible, but the group we were with was pretty neat! We were surrounded by friends (peers and "common folk") and it was wonderful! We all laughed and talked and did whatever and everyone was so down to earth and just great!

On the ride home, my Love mentioned that he thought those were the same people in that hotel room at 12th Night when I fled the room and he felt like a space heater in the sahara. This time it was different. We both felt warm and included and a part of things. That was just great!

We came home exhausted, and went right to sleep. I don't think I managed to stay awake long enough for him to crawl into bed with me.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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