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2002-01-21 - 10:45 a.m.

Grocery shopping or "Catching up on Current Events"

Well, I think I realized why I hate grocery shopping so much. Normally, we go during the week, but without good planning that mans you end up having to go do your shopping on the weekends once in a while.. for us, it ends up being about once a year... and lemme tell you, that once a year is plenty!

Okay.. time for a soul-bearing.. we're one of those WalMart Superstore shoppers.. we like to have it all in one place, so to speak. The weather report called for a dusting of now and I swear people heard "We're going to get 40 inches! Take care of the Women and children!!"

That being said, let me get back to my story. The store was packed.

I waded through the snow mixed with rain into the grocery store (it was more rain than snow). What greeted me was more elderly people without shopping lists and single black men with their children than I'd ever seen in my life.

Everyone seemed to stop at the beginning of each aisle to talk and find out about what's happened to who since when. The old folks discussed who's in the hospital, who's got the rheumatiz, who's dead and who's in Florida.

These are the same folks who can remember "when" but can't remember their shopping lists. "Doris, did I want the creamy peanut butter, or the chunky?" "You want the creamy Gertie, you don't have your dentures in for the chunky!" These folks creep down each aisle, stopping in front of all major displays counting pennies and trying to decide which is better.

In the midst of this, I found the middle aged women; over to one side discussing who they saw last at church, and what the new reverend was like. Who they planned to invite to Sunday dinner and how their kinds were doing in school.

Add to all of this, it must have been "dad's day out" with the children. I've never seen more young males (around the 20-30 age group) with so many kids. It was like a redneck family reumion. "hey slim! How's it goin' man! (insert secret handshake). This here be my oldest child (his Momma is with someone else now), and my second oldest child (her Momma is with skeeter these days), that one over there is my third oldest child (her Momma is my first child's Momma); the one in the cart is Weum, His Momma is at home with his baby sister, and this is Keshia, she be my new baby's mamma and she be pregnant again. Again?! She-it man, you got it goin' on!."

I wasn't sure who to feel sorrier for, the men, the women or the children. The men didn't have a clue, the children didn't have a choice, and the women, they just seemed to all stand around by these men like they're all some grand prize winners or something.

It was really irritating to try and get my shopping doing around all of this... then it hit me, this isn't just "grocery shopping" this is the future of the old "general store" when men would sit around the checker board and gossip like women. Folks who are normally too busy for the telephone or to go visiting now stand in the aisles of the Wal Mart and talk to their friends and co-workers discussing the latest and greatest.

Me, even with all that, I just want to get in there, do what I need to and get the heck back to my life. Yep, I'm impatient, and I LIKE IT!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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